How are lawyers perceived by potential clients?

The DC Bar Association’s Washington Lawyer recently interviewed Laurie Chamberlin, the brand president of Special Counsel, about the legal staffing and recruiting firm’s recent “Legal Professionals Perceptions Survey” (see “How should lawyers market themselves to clients? Find out from potential clients.”):

Lawyers were most likely to be described as “smart” and “tough” by respondents, but nearly half of those surveyed also believe lawyers are “overpaid” and “rich.”

Overall, though, the survey’s findings portray a profession that is generally regarded in a positive light, according to Chamberlin.

“People do believe that attorneys are knowledgeable, smart, and ethical. While it’s fun to make fun of the profession for a lot of folks, at the end of the day lawyers are who they turn to when they’re in trouble, and they think that it’s going to work out in an honest, ethical way.”

Read more about Chamberlin’s interview and the survey’s findings at Legal Beat’s "Survey Reveals Public Perceptions of Lawyers and Legal Profession."