We have a long history of happy lawyers and tangible impact.
Let’s face it: choosing a lawyer coach and résumé writer is a big decision. You’re not just choosing an expert, you’re also choosing the best partner for you. As you make your decision, it helps to see feedback from past clients.
Since Shauna C. Bryce first formally founded her career services for lawyers in 2006, our goal has been to deliver the highest quality career advising, writing, and client experience. Lawyers often have strong opinions and, over the years, our clients have been generous in letting us know how they felt about whether we’ve succeeded. Although we don’t offer guarantees, we try to stay in touch with our clients over time to ensure they’re on the right track. We try to conduct 3-month, 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year follow ups, which gives clients a chance to let us know if we:
Made a difference in their job search, confidence, interviewing, or decision-making?
Constructed practical action plans that addressed their individual situations?
Added valuable knowledge and perspective?
Wrote résumés, cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, and other career documents that reflected their value to target employers?
Gave excellent value for their investment?
Provided an encouraging and positive client / customer service experience?
Positively impacted their career outcomes?
Sample Client Testimonials and Feedback
Below are some of our most recent testimonials. We’ve created a searchable testimonial database from coaching, résumé writing, and LinkedIn clients so that you can find the client feedback most relevant to you.
"Whenever we talk, it gives me clarity on my branding and my message. Shauna helps me crystalize my thoughts."
- Public company CLO
"Shauna, ever since I started working with you, people have been reaching out to me!"
- Tech CLO
"You gave me guidance that I really needed, Shauna. You gave me hope and structure."
- Non-traditional law firm associate
"Shauna, thank you so much for your time and expertise."
- Rising executive lawyer in digital arts and entertainment
"Your strategy and script proved to be very effective, Shauna."
- Exiting CLO negotiating consulting agreement
"You have totally done away with the discouragement I had. You are really good at this, Shauna. I'm so glad I've met you."
- AmLaw 100 associate exploring in-house options
"I felt really grateful when we hung up, Shauna. It's time for me to make a move and I have really needed the help that you're giving me. I've been struggling with a zillion iterations of my résumé, struggling to find a way to make sense of my journey. I just wasn't able to do it on paper in a way that reflects what I bring. I also found your job search tips to be really, really good and I've already shared them with a friend. I had many a-ha moments in talking to you."
- Associate at AmLaw 100 law firm
"Shauna has set my mind at ease that there's a path forward for me."
- Equity partner at elite small firm
"You helped me so much, Shauna. Working with you brought me to a real turning point in my career, and when I thought about wanting to advance again, I naturally thought of talking to you!"
- State prosecutor considering move in-house
"Shauna, I used a lot of your techniques to say no, which turned out to be very helpful. I used your scripts, and it totally worked to break the cycle."
- Overworked GC
"Shauna, I really appreciate you giving me your perspective. I just haven't known how to tell my story."
- Lawyer with non-traditional career path
"Our work has really helped me articulate my value, so thank you for that, Shauna. I was so prepared for when the CEO of [well-known tech company] reached out to me."
- Tech GC
"All of this stuff has just been swirling in my head, but I feel like I have a plan now. Shauna, you're both an expert and an expert adviser. I wish I had talked to you before I negotiated my salary at my last job."
- In-house lawyer negotiating executive compensation offer
"You are so good at this! And you're so intuitive, Shauna. It's clear you've been doing this for years."
- Software company CLO
"Shauna, my interviewing skills have definitely improved based on my work with you."
- CXO in publicly traded company
"Shauna helped me to improve my approach. She is phenomenal."
- Public company Chief ESG Officer
"I'm glad you're working with me, Shauna. So much of this stuff I never thought of!"
- Public company GC
"I heard about you from two people [a public tech company CLO and a global managing partner of a top 10 executive search firm] and then again from [an executive résumé writer]. You ask such good questions, Shauna! I feel like we should meet all the time. Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me. This has so helpful in forcing me to articulate what I've done. You're incredible at what you do and I'm so honored and thankful to be one of your clients. You are indeed a gem."
- Tech CLO
"Shauna, thank you so much for your time! Loved the session today!"
- CLO at cloud technology company
"I feel like I'm in a better place mentally, Shauna, and I know now how to get started."
- Lawyer transitioning practice areas
"Hi Shauna, I was telling my friend [a tech company CLO] recently that the key to building a killer résumé is to call you!"
- CLO at NYSE-listed tech company
"This has really been wonderful, Shauna."
- DGC at public company navigating office politics
"Hi Shauna! You helped me with my résumé about 10 years ago, and shortly after that, I became General Counsel at [nonprofit]... I wanted to connect to thank you for your wisdom and your help to me. I wish you the best."
- Nonprofit GC
"You make such a difference for individuals. You've made a huge impact on my career and my [sibling's] career. Shauna, I have so much respect for you and what you do."
- Law firm associate transitioning in-house
“Thank you so much again, Shauna. This is very useful and helpful for me.”
- Career changer
“A colleague highly recommended your services... I just referred your services to 3 [lawyers] today, Shauna, and wanted to give you a “heads up” that I will be referring you to people from time to time.”
- Therapist for lawyers
“I have a new job. I have been there about 3 months and I love it. Jessica, your help was invaluable and helped me get a job offer quickly. I will continue to recommend your services.”
- Supervising Litigation Attorney with 20+ years' experience
“This résumé is so much better than anything I could have pulled together, Shauna. You've added so much meat to the bones of my résumé. I just didn't know how to take my résumé to this. I didn't know how to tell my story and talk about my impact. This much better conveys what I've done. I sound great!”
- DGC at nationally known healthcare tech
“I have you to thank for everything, Shauna. You've never steered me wrong. My practice is picking up because of everything you told me to do.”
- Law firm partner