What the heck is CQ?
As law firms and their clients spread across the globe into new markets, language skills and cultural intelligence have taken on increasing importance. Soon Ang is an award-winning, world renown expert on cultural intelligence and global leadership. Among other roles, she's the author of definitive books on cultural intelligence, a professor in international management at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and the head of the Division of Strategy, Management & Organization at the Nanyang Business School.
So what is cultural intelligence (CQ)? Professor Ang discussed CQ and its importance in a recent interview, "Cultural Intelligence: From New Idea To Must-Have Skill" with the Center for Creative Leadership.
Look for ways to improve your own CQ – both companies and the law firms that serve them increasingly need leaders (including lawyers!) with strong communication and relationship building skills that cross cultures.
Why should I care about CQ?