Evolving Legal Profession (Mar. 23, 2016)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
- "The End of Lawyers, Period," ABA Journal
- "Millennial Contract Lawyers: The Screwed Generation?," The American Lawyer
- "The Global Lawyer: How The Am Law 100 Screws Contract Lawyers," The American Lawyer
- "Alternative Staffing Is Effective and Underused," Corporate Counsel
- "Special Report: Millennials in Big Law," The American Lawyer
- "Here Come the Big Law Millennials," The American Lawyer
- "Four Generations, Explained," American Lawyer
- "Millennials Dish On What Their Firms Are Doing Right — And Wrong," American Lawyer
- "Millennial Manifesto: Young Big Law Lawyers Demand Change," American Lawyer
- "Why 1 in 3 Lawyers Are Problem Drinkers," The National Law Journal
- "The lawyers who are fighting for the same rights as janitors: Thousands of attorneys perform tasks so routine that some believe they should get the same protections as the rest of the hourly workforce," The Washington Post
- "Market Volatility Hampering Demand for Legal Services," The Legal Intelligencer
- "Bay Area's Revolving Door Ushers Government Lawyers In-House," The Recorder
- "More Tips for Firms Hiring Contract Attorneys," The Recorder