Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession (Jan 22, 2025)
Recent reports on diversity and inclusion within in law firms, corporations, and the workplace at large.
"Three DEI Legal Issues Employers Should Keep Tabs on in 2025," Bloomberg Law
"Meta Pulls Plug on DEI Programs," Corporate Counsel
"The 'Motherhood Advantage' in Law: Time to Flip the Script," The American Lawyer
"Wisconsin Supreme Court to weigh whether diversity training can count as lawyer CLE credit," Reuters
"'I Bought a £20 Suit From eBay': How a Social Mobility Scheme Helped Launch a Paul Weiss Associate's Career," Law.com International
"The Power of Small Acts of Inclusion," Harvard Business Review
"The Supreme Court Blessed Discrimination. Now That Might Aid DEI," Bloomberg Law
"50% Through The Fall 2025 Law School Admissions Season: Applicants Are Up 24% (Black Applicants Are Up 36%)," TaxProf Blog
"Republican state AGs oppose American Bar Association's revised diversity rule," Reuters
"Latest try at rewriting ABA diversity standard for law schools gets pushback from GOP attorneys general," ABA Journal
"Corporate DEI Programs Recoil and Rebrand as Pressure Mounts," Bloomberg Law
"Corporate America Drew Back From DEI. The Upheaval Isn't Over," The Wall Street Journal
"Hostile Work Environment Claims Aimed at DEI Gain Early Traction," Bloomberg Law
"Lessons In 'Value-Centered Lawyering' From Atty Turned Prof," Law360
"After Affirmative Action: Contextual Admissions And The Future Of African American Law School Enrollment," TaxProf Blog
"Colorado justices hear pleas to fix accommodations process for disabled bar applicants," Colorado Politics
"Law student diversity held steady after affirmative action ban, ABA says," Reuters
"ABA website updates data on law school admissions, tuition and other matters," American Bar Association
"Law School Minority Enrollees Hold Steady After SCOTUS Decision," Bloomberg Law
"Law School 1L JD, Non-JD Enrollment Rebound From Last Year's Decline," Excess of Democracy
"Affirmative action ban in US colleges did not limit law student diversity: American Bar Association," Canadian Lawyer
"T14 Sees Black, Hispanic Law Student Representation Decline Following End of Affirmative Action," Law.com
"Fewer Black and Hispanic law students at elite schools portends 'cascade effect'," Reuters
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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