Evolving Legal Profession (Apr 29, 2020)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"As States Move to Reopen, Law Firms Exercise Caution," The American Lawyer
"Will the Coronavirus Calamity Lead to the Next Wave in Legal Innovation?," Legal Evolution
"Adopting COVID-19 Cuts, Law Firms Balance Image and Economics," The American Lawyer
"Stoel Rives' Melissa Jones on the Generation Gap in Law Firms, Diversity and the Pacific Northwest," The American Lawyer
"ILTA Announces Layoffs, Furloughs as Pandemic Hits Economy," Legaltech News
"As Courts Go Remote, Law Schools' Tech Development Looks to Fill the Gaps," Legaltech News
"'Paper-based system is not going to exist anymore,' Chief Justice Morawetz says of post-COVID-19 court," The Lawyer's Daily
"For Lawyers, Social Distancing Could Be the New Normal,"The Recorder
"The 2020 Black Swan-COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Practice of Law," Daily Report
"Side-By-Side: Comparing Popular Video Conferencing Platforms' Security and Usability," Legaltech News
"As Traditional Firms Pull Back, Virtual Firms' Opportunities Could Be Growing,"Legaltech News
"Will Coronavirus Be a Boon for Alternative Legal Service Providers? A Q&A with Axiom Executive VP David Pierce," Corporate Counsel
"Young Lawyers Are Stuck in the Middle of Law Firm Generation Gaps," The American Lawyer
"Novel or Not, Law Firms Developing COVID-19 Tools to Stay Relevant," Legaltech News
"COVID-19 Pushed Legal Toward Tech, Remote Work. There May Be No Going Back," Legaltech News
"Zoom, Zoom, Zoom: Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Virtual Meetings," Legaltech News
"Pandemic III: Justice reconstructed," Law21
"Pandemic II: Justice system down," Law21
"Pandemic I: What we're up against," Law21
"COVID-19 Shifts Law Firms' Hiring, Onboarding Process Online—To a Limit," Legaltech News
"How To Appropriately Market Yourself and Your Firm During a Global Crisis," New York Law Journal
"As Coronavirus Ravages the Economy, Bankruptcy Attorneys Prepare for the Flood," The American Lawyer
"The Big Four's Legal Services Will Emerge Stronger in a Post-Pandemic World, PwC Leader Says," Law.com International
"What Law Firms Have Over the Big Four," Law.com International
"Rethinking Law Firm Real Estate When the Office Is Empty," The American Lawyer
"For Big Law, Is COVID-19 The Great Recession All Over Again?," Law.com
"Avoid These Five Errors and Draft Your Best Legal Work," The Legal Intelligencer
"At Firms, In-Person Networking Still Trumps Tech in Assigning Legal Work," Legaltech News
"The evolution to Modern Legal," Legal Evolution
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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