Evolving Legal Profession (Dec 9, 2020)
Recent reports on how the legal profession is changing and how to be successful in it.
"COVID-19 Will Pass, But Artificial Intelligence Will Be Part of its Legacy," Legaltech News
"5 Ways Technology Is Exacerbating-And Alleviating-Legal's Mental Health Challenges," Legaltech News
"University Calgary law school e-litigation course points to a future of conducting law virtually," The Canadian Lawyer
"After the Pandemic: What Will Law Firms Look Like When It's Over?," The American Lawyer
"As Firms Restructure Staffs for the Post-Pandemic Future, Who Will Be Protected and Exposed?," The American Lawyer
"The Playbook for Law Firm Leadership Has Been Rewritten During the Crisis," The American Lawyer
"When the Pandemic Ends, Will Law Firms Still Have a Culture to Return To?," The American Lawyer
"COVID Pushed Firms to Overhaul How They Connect With Clients. They Aren't Going Back.," The American Lawyer
"The Law Firm Office Isn't Dead, And Neither Is Open Space," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Survived 2020 Better Than They Could Have Hoped. Now What?," The American Lawyer
"Could the Pandemic Finally Deliver a Paperless Law Firm?," Legaltech News
"How Year-End Attorney Reviews Might Look a Little Different This Year," The American Lawyer
"Disruption and Disconnection: Greenberg Traurig's Richard Rosenbaum Expects a Tumultuous 2021," The American Lawyer
"Room for Improvement: Young Lawyers Assess Law Firms' Pandemic Response," The American Lawyer
"Burn the ships," Law21
"Clients See 'Innovation Gap' in Big Law, Report Finds," The American Lawyer
"Law Is Not Ready For Amazon. Is Amazon Ready For Law?," Forbes
"Does the Legal Profession Really Need to Use the Term 'Non-Lawyer'?," Law.com International
"With Expenses Expected to Rise in 2021, Will Demand Match?," The American Lawyer
"Do Controversial Clients Hurt Young Lawyer Recruitment?," The American Lawyer
"Law Firms Plan for Less Office Space and More Tech Costs Heading Into 2021," Daily Business Review
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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