Legal Education Roundup (May 12, 2023)
Recent reports on the future of law schools and legal education.
"Bound to a Higher Standard: How a Lawyer's Personal Life Can Affect Their Professional Life," Daily Report
"Elite Law Schools Boycotted the U.S. News Rankings. Now, They May Be Paying a Price.," The New York Times
"College Rankings Are in Trouble. Do Students Care?," The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Ahead of the Curve: Will the US News Rankings Ever Be Viewed the Same Again?,"
"Law schools face an inflection point with diversity, equity and inclusion," ABA Journal
"Looking Ahead: Tips for Rising 3Ls,"
"AccessLex: Latest ABA Bar Passage Data Reflects 'Multifaceted Societal Inequities',"
About the Author
Julie Cromer Young, Esq. Career Coach and Résumé Writer
Law school doesn’t teach you how to get a job and build a career. Since 2006, we've helped law students transition to law practice. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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