Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Aug 17, 2020)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Overall Demand Down for Big Law, But Rate Growth Hits All-Time High. Why?," The American Lawyer
"Recession Highs: How Some Firms Are Ahead in 2020," The American Lawyer
"Susman Godfrey Elects First Woman Managing Partner," Texas Lawyer
"Legal Job Growth Sputters as COVID-19 Resurgence Dampens Outlook," The American Lawyer
"For Big Law's Working Moms, Pandemic Could Have a Silver Lining…Seriously!,"
"DLA Piper Global Revenue Jumps 8.5% to Hit £2.1B," International
"Pandemic Crisis Shows 'US Firms Have a Better Culture Than UK Rivals'," International
"Law School Grads Hit 12-Year Employment High Before Pandemic," Bloomberg Law
"Pandemic poised to wipe out recession rebound in law grad hiring, associate pay," Reuters
"New Lawyer Salaries Crept Up in 2019, but COVID-19 Is Likely to Stymie More Increases,"
"Salaries and job rates up for 2019 law grads, reaching highest point since Great Recession," ABA Journal
"Record-Breaking Employment Rate For Law School Class Of 2019 Stopped Dead In Its Tracks By Pandemic," Above the Law
"Historic Salary Highs For Recent Law School Graduates," Above the Law
"Class of 2019 Attains Highest Employment Rate in 12 Years as Uncertainty Looms for Class of 2020," NALP
"Partners' Gain Is Associates' Pain as Hours Move Upstream," The American Lawyer
"Already Out of the Office, Talent Flocks to Distributed Firms," The American Lawyer
"Call It a Crisis: Law Firms Need to Quickly Respond to Needs of Working Parents," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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