Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Aug 22, 2022)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Miami Newcomers Launch 2023 Summer Programs, Compete for Top Law Students and Lateral Associates," Daily Business Review
"Help wanted: Positions still unfilled as legal aid struggles to find attorneys," The Indiana Lawyer
"Lawyer Attrition in Law Firms Could Shift as Profits and Demand Dip in 2022," The American Lawyer
"What Impact Will the Downturn Have on Legal Hiring, and What Can You Do To Prepare?,"
"Newest Mansfield Rule Broadens Leadership Hiring Considerations, Pushes for Transparent Advancement and Compensation Policies," The American Lawyer
"As Big Law Profits Plunge, Financial Uncertainty Looms Over Associate Classes, Lateral Hiring," The American Lawyer
"The Pressure Is On: Demand Dip, Rising Expenses Squeezed Profits in First Half of 2022," The American Lawyer
"Law firm profits sag amid rising costs and slowing demand, Wells Fargo finds," Reuters
"Preparing for Racial Equity Audits," Corporate Counsel
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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