Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Jan 29, 2024)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"Flurry Of Moves Kicks Off 2024: BigLaw's January Shake-Ups," Law360
"Big Law Has 'False Sense of Security' as Clients Depart for Midsized Firms," Corporate Counsel
"The Law Firm Disrupted: Working Harder or Working Smarter?"
"Weil, Pillsbury Eye London Office Moves Amid US Firm Upsizing Trend," International
"Should US Law Firms Offer 20% Less Pay for 20% Less Work?," The American Lawyer
"Lawyer Employment Outlook Looks Good, Though Bar Passage Rates Decline,"
"Associates Who Want to Be Partner Must Be Proactive, Consistent," Bloomberg Law
"The Fully Human Lawyer: Value Beyond Numbers," The American Lawyer
"'I Question Their Dedication to the Firm': Insiders on Slaughter and May's Reduced Hours Policy," International
"Clerks for hire: The Supreme Court recruiting race," The Washington Post
"Is A Boom In Remote Work Tempering Virtual Firms' Growth?" Law360
"No Origination Credits in Partner Pay? Covington Sees Advantages," The National Law Journal
"Even As Billing Rates Increase, Lack of Confidence in Fees and 'Subtle Psychology' May Lead to Less Profit," The American Lawyer
"Why Law Firms Should Spend Time Investing in Their Talent," American Bar Association
"In Partner Pay, Law Firms Are Under Pressure to Strike Right Balance,"
"Where Are Big Law Billing Rates Growing the Fastest?" The American Lawyer
"A 'Sweatshop'? Lawyers Detest Law Firm Cultures That Emphasize Profitability," The American Lawyer
"The New Normal in Office Work Is Here, but Lawyers Still Aren't Happy With It," The American Lawyer
"Should law firms focus more on work-life balance? Survey finds 'wide gaps' in opinions of associates, partners," ABA Journal
"What's Behind The Bad Vibes At Biglaw Firms?" Above the Law
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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