Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Oct 14, 2024)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"AI and the rise of the Niche Lawyer," Jordan Furlong
"US legal jobs rebound after 4-month slump, Labor Dept says," Reuters
"Legal industry managers expect pay for lawyers, other industry professionals to rise: report," Canadian Lawyer
"Lateral Hiring Softens In Q3 As Partner Moves Slow," Law360
"Law Firm Library and Research Roles, Long Endangered, Are Making a Comeback," The American Lawyer
"The Growing Tension — And Opportunity — in Big Law Nonequity Tiers,"
"Wave of Office Closures Highlights the Weighty Stakes Surrounding Law Firm Growth," The American Lawyer
"More Law Firms Want To Merge, But Deals Aren't Skyrocketing," Law360
"Atlanta Midsize Firms Say Lawyer Business Development Programs' Gains Outweigh Costs," Daily Report
"Law Firm Mergers — Does Bigger Mean Smarter?" International
"These Am Law 100 Law Firms Are Expanding Their New York Footprints," New York Law Journal
"Regional Law Firms Seize on Second-Tier Markets for Growth," Bloomberg Law
"Setting Partner Comp: Are Law Firms Now Too 'Short-Term Focused'?" The American Lawyer
"The Law Firm Disrupted: Playing the Talent Game to Win,"
"Cleary Gottlieb Adds Non-Equity Partners as Industry Shifts," Bloomberg Law
"Want to Rock Your Big Law Summer? Sweat the Small Stuff," Bloomberg Law
"As Law Firms Set Partner Comp and Budgets for 2025, Leadership Manages Expectations," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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