Monday BigLaw Merry-Go-Round (Sep 26, 2022)
Recent reports on lateral hires, financial data, salaries, and hiring trends in BigLaw.
"70% of In-House Lawyers Inclined to Leave Post, Survey Finds," Corporate Counsel
"Key Adaptations For Law Firms Amid Quiet Quitting Movement," Law360
"Lagging Demand and Layoff Fears Give Firms Leverage Over Talent-Will They Use It?," The American Lawyer
"The 2022 Global 100 Ranked by Profits Per Equity Partner," International
"The World's Largest Law Firms Go From Historic Highs to High Uncertainty," International
"The 2022 Global 200 Ranked by Revenue," International
"The 2022 Global 100 Ranked by Profits Per Equity Partner," International
"The 2022 Global 200 Ranked by Head Count," International
"Big Law's About to Demonstrate Why It Will Never Solve Its Retention Problem,"
"It's Getting Worse: The Gender Pay Gap Among Senior Marketing Professionals Is Widening," The American Lawyer
"Staff Layoffs at Fish & Richardson as Secretary Roles 'Transition'," The American Lawyer
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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