Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Jun 1, 2022)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
"We Are All Impostors," Slaw
"Mental health concerns causing many to quit working," Canadian Lawyer
"Pandemic Anxiety Wanes, but Legal Industry's Mental Health Struggles Persist," The American Lawyer
"By the Numbers: A Data Snapshot of the Legal Industry's Mental Health," The American Lawyer
"About one-fifth of lawyers and staffers considered suicide at some point in their careers, new survey says," ABA Journal
"'Resilience' is the theme at young lawyers' national meetup," Reuters
"Want to Thin Your Law Firm's Head Count? Mandate 3 or More Days of Office Attendance," The American Lawyer
"Remote or 'Hybrid Light' in the Office? The Differences Matter to Attorneys and Should to Law Firms," The American Lawyer
"Calling for an End to the 24/7, 365 Lawyer," Daily Business Review
About Bryce Legal
Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
Since 2006, the legal profession, networking, and job search have changed. Our goal has remained the same: best-in-class services for lawyers. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.