Wellness and Well-being in the Legal Profession (Oct 23, 2024)
Recent reports on mental health and wellness in relation to the legal profession.
"Law Students Aren't Alright," TaxProf Blog
"Bullying Is 'Prevalent' in the Legal Profession, New Study Finds," Bloomberg Law
"Illinois Supreme Court Commission releases study on bullying in the legal profession," Canadian Lawyer
"Anxiety Before Autumn: Considering Why Law Students are Seemingly Stressed Much Earlier in the Semester," Law School Academic Support Blog
"Talking Mental Health: The View From Life After BigLaw," Law360
"Workplace bullying affects 1 in 4 lawyers, study finds," Reuters
"Hazed and abused, some lawyers see bullying as part of job while others leave, new study says," ABA Journal
"Reimagining legal education," Law360 Canada
"ANALYSIS: Report Highlights Risks of Poor Attorney Well-Being," Bloomberg Law
"Disrupted sleep and anxiety plague more than half of surveyed lawyers," ABA Journal
"The Mental Gymnastics 'Are All Consuming': Advancing in Big Law with a Stutter," The American Lawyer
"Wine, Dine and Grind (Through the Weekend): Summer Associates Thirst For Experience in 'Real Matters,'" The American Lawyer
"Pandemic-Era Mental Health Issues Still Plague Lawyers Who Graduated in 2020: NALP Survey," Law.com
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Shauna C. Bryce, Esq. Founder and Principal
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