“You have tapped into my core passions. This has been super helpful.”
- Silicon Valley transactional lawyer
Read More“You have tapped into my core passions. This has been super helpful.”
- Silicon Valley transactional lawyer
Read More“I just got back from an interview at an aerospace company in [state]. The feedback from recruiters and employers is that the résumé is impressive (thanks, Shauna!) and my experience is great. I’ve gotten to the final rounds in several set of interviews.”
- Senior in-house L&E counsel
Read More“Hi Shauna, I have successfully passed the interview process and am expecting the offer any day.”
- AGC at Fortune 100 energy company
Read More“Thanks Shauna. You really have been a big help and I appreciate it. I’m (finally) starting to take all this much more seriously, which I should have done years before.”
- Litigator reinvigorating his career
Read More“Shauna: Thank you very much for your help. I met with a headhunter yesterday and it went well.”
- ALJ transitioning back into the private sector
Read More“I had a job interview this morning to be a permanent clerk at Superior Court. This is my third interview for two different jobs within the trial court system.”
- Litigator shifting from solo practice to state government
Read More“Thanks, Shauna. I greatly appreciate our talk today. Very helpful. And thank you for sending the notes!”
- Fortune 5 corporate attorney
Read More“Hi Shauna-- I have had several phone interviews, but most positions are now on ‘hold’ pending 2Q numbers…I do have two work-at-home firms interested in me.“
- Senior in-house IP lawyer
Read More“I’m already on page 3 of notes [15 minutes into interview prep]. I want to thank you for your time today and over the weekend. I’d like to keep you on retainer. This has been really good.”
- Senior Fortune 100 IP lawyer
Read More“A recruiter hooked me up with a job interview tomorrow with [AmLaw 100] law firm. I really appreciate all your support and everything.”
- Midlevel moving from contract work into e-discovery staff attorney roles in BigLaw
Read More“Last week was so helpful for me. It was very helpful for me to hear the affirmations of what I was thinking and had been going through. It was also helpful to hear you articulate the problem. And it was super super helpful to come up a strategy! Just talking to someone as smart as you was so fun. Just being able to say something and have it understood. I really resonated with you.”
- Senior Silicon Valley counsel
Read More“Oh my God, I love you so much. You are so awesome.”
- Nationally recognized criminal litigator
Read More“Thanks so much for your insight! I am ready to move on, and very much looking forward to the new adventures. The tools you shared with me were invaluable, and if I come across additional situations or thoughts that would benefit from your input, I will definitely make another appointment! Also send my warmest regards to your amazing staff. Thank you for getting me back into the game the right way. Thanks again!”
- IP counsel
Read More“I just came out of a job interview with [AmLaw 100] for an L&E associate job. They talked with me for almost two hours. They want me to come back tomorrow. I’ve been told to expect an offer.”
- Government lawyer transitioning to private practice
Read More“After talking with Shauna and evaluating potential options, I’ve decided I’m happy where I am.”
- AmLaw 100 litigation partner
Read More“We covered a lot and I’m really pleased. We covered all the issues that I’m really concerned about—including how to move forward quickly. You're so good at what you do; it really is a gift.”
- IP counsel
Read More“Thank you so much. This has been definitely, really helpful. Your plan sounds like something I could do. I will definitely be reaching out to you again. I want to continue working together.”
- Law firm partner exploring career alternatives
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