Posts in Executives & On-Track
I have struggled with this for months

“In the last 10 minutes, I’ve realized that I really needed something to click with me about why I’m not interviewing well. And this is it. I’ve had all the answers in my head, but my insecurities cloud my ability to give the clear, concise, confident answers. Honestly, I have struggled with this for months. I’ve been so hung up on trying to justify and apologize for my background instead of really understanding that it has value. I finally got it! I'm so glad we did this.”

- Law firm litigation partner shifting to very different in-house roles

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focusing on the wrong things

“I’ve really been focusing my résumé on the wrong things and I know that’s why I haven’t gotten the responses that I want. I feel like the work we’re doing is putting the right tone in. Many thanks and I look forward to talking again!”

- Former U.S. head of D&I / corporate social responsibility for Fortune 500

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3 responses from 3 chairs of AmLaw 100 firms in 24 hrs

“It’s just non-stop; it’s crazy. I sent the résumé to the chairmen of three AmLaw 100 firms, and all three responded within 24 hours, so I have three interviews next week with both the chairs and key lawyers in the office. I’m very pleased. The combination of documents is getting the doors opened. And I had a lot of people who supported me—like my friends who are partners at other firms—but once they saw my new résumé, they saw me in a different way, not just as their friend anymore. I’m taken much more seriously, and given so much more respect because they’re really seeing the impact I’ve had and the level of work I’ve done. It has changed the conversation. I consider you part of my team now, and I’m so grateful.”

- Law firm partner

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building my confidence

“​You’ve really helped me realize all the work I’ve done over the years. My résumé has been a source of stress for me for a long time. I’ve been stressed about even how to get started. Just going through process has been helpful and been building my confidence—regardless of whether I stay with my current company or not.”

- AGC exploring outside options

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wordsmithing at light speed

“I was so excited to hear about you! There are all these places that do career counseling, but they just don’t do the résumé writing and they don’t have legal expertise. I’m so glad I called you! I was anxious before the appointment, but this is a level of wordsmithing at light speed I’ve never seen. And the way this résumé is written is just so much better.“

- Former Air Force Captain shifting to in-house roles

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