Posts in Executives & On-Track
recruiter reached out to me this week

“I already submitted the résumé last week and the recruiter reached out to me this week to set up an interview. I’m really grateful for the advice you gave me about using the résumé for interview prep, because it really helped me see how my skillset aligns to their needs and to talk about my work better. It was really excellent advice, Shauna.”

- CHRO candidate

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smiling ear to ear

“Seriously, thank you, Shauna. I cannot tell you enough. I’ve always been confident about what I do, but seeing it on paper makes such a big difference. I’ve been smiling ear to ear this whole time, and I’m loving seeing it come together. I cannot wait to start using this new résumé.”

- Fortune 500 Chief Compliance Officer candidate

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I'm finally being recognized for the work I've done

“I've had a big year, Shauna! I'm so grateful that I'm finally being recognized for the work I've done. The interview tips you gave me were amazing. Specially, some of the lines you gave me to say really struck a chord with the interviews. I went into that interview and did really good job, and that interview propelled me into the VP of Ethics role.”

– Fortune 5 Chief Ethics Officer

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worth every penny

“I loved the LinkedIn Profile Optimization! The explanations are really helpful and easy. I sent the LinkedIn profile to my husband along with the résumé and he said they were worth every penny. Thank you for everything. The entire process has been really great.”

- Senior corporate counsel in FTSE 100

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like a lethal weapon

“I need to thank you. I would not in a million years think this strategically about my LinkedIn profile. I was just going through the motions. I didn’t understand it as real tool to market my brand. Now I can wield LinkedIn like a lethal weapon. I worked on it all weekend, analyzing every little piece of information you gave me. This has opened up a different ball game for me. You have really opened up my mind. I was in awe.”

- Board adviser and senior corporate generalist returning to Fortune 100 roles

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