Posts in Individual Contributors
I should have hired you from the beginning.

“I didn’t fully appreciate the nuance of hiring a résumé writer who didn’t know legal hiring and wasn’t a lawyer. I’m not proud of the original résumé I paid for and it doesn’t reflect who I am. Yours is so much better, so much more in-depth. As you’ve been asking me questions, I’m like, ‘Oh, she really gets it.’ You’re really good at this and I'm so glad I came to you. I should have hired you from the beginning.”

- In-house counsel at a private equity fund transitioning to AmLaw 100 firms

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It was valuable to observe how you apply the legal synthesis skills to résumé writing

“Thank you for your time and insights regarding my résumé and professional experience. The session provided a different framework for communicating my prior experiences, what I've learned and how I could bring value/solve problems with my next employer. It was valuable to observe how you apply the legal synthesis skills to résumé writing... I have a much better sense of how to approach my résumé in a fresh way.”

- Assistant General Counsel at a state university

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