Posts in Individual Contributors
This is your calling.

“Shauna, I’m already happy. You had me at hello. What I’m getting out of this process is not just a great document. It’s advice. It’s career strategy. When you’re looking for a job and not being successful, you start to second-guess yourself, your career, and your choices. But what you’ve drawn out of me is that I’ve actually had a pretty damn good career and done a pretty damn good job. I have things to be proud of. You’ve made me realize that. And you’ve given me more confidence. What you’ve done... from a mental perspective, I’m so much better. This is your calling. I’m very impressed and I’m so happy.”

- Technology counsel

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I received a call to interview this morning!

“I finally have an interview in [City] with the Office of the Attorney General. I have been applying consistently when positions open within my area of expertise. This was my first application since the résumé rewrite and I received a call to interview this morning! I just want to thank Shauna for her assistance.”

- Prosecutor relocating to another jurisdiction

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For the first time, my spouse understands what I do.

“I feel much better about where I am. I really tried to take to heart what you said about less technical and Navy jargon, and more plain English and relatability. Before my résumé didn't have a clue. Now people can read it, and it makes sense. For the first time, my spouse understands what I do.”

- Second-career lawyer

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I would love to continue working with you

“Shauna, Thank you so much for the call today and your insight. This [follow up] email is also very helpful. I would love to continue working with you to revamp my résumé. Thank you again for your time today.”

- Law firm litigator exploring government and in-house options

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