“I’m real pleased with the résumé. It’s comprehensive. I really like the layout and the way it progresses. It’s easy to read.”
- Private investigator turned attorney
Read More“I’m real pleased with the résumé. It’s comprehensive. I really like the layout and the way it progresses. It’s easy to read.”
- Private investigator turned attorney
Read More“Both the résumé and the cover letter are incredible. They look great.”
- Real estate lawyer
Read More“I feel really good about the résumé. I would never have gotten there on my own. It’s everything I was looking for and gives me a really good base from which to apply for jobs.”
- Corporate tax planning and executive director of state House Finance Committee
Read More“You’ve given me a lot to work on. I was hopeful I would be able to really improve the résumé with your feedback, and it looks like I’ll be able to!”
- Elder law attorney
Read More“I can’t thank you enough for all your help with this. My résumé looks so much better [after two Résumé Crams with Live Edit] that it did two weeks ago. This was immensely helpful. I really appreciate all the time you took to be specific and precise with the edits, too.”
- Municipal law attorney
Read More“This [Résumé Cram with Live Edit] is incredibly helpful and has really helped me put together a much, much better document. Thank you so much for your time tonight. It was immensely helpful.”
- Senior business attorney transitioning to sports industry
Read More“I’m ecstatic. This Résumé Cram with Live Edit is amazing. I should have talked to you earlier. This is like watching your mind at work. I absolutely love it! The résumé looks phenomenal.”
- Senior government affairs attorney in healthcare industry
Read More“I really like the [master résumé]. It did a much better job organizing my material and strengthening my presentation. I’ve been very happy with the process and the product. This has been very helpful.”
- General Counsel of Integrated Healthcare Systems
Read More“Hi Shauna, Lovely speaking with you today. I can't believe how fast our [Résumé Cram with Live Edit] session went! And I cannot thank you enough for your time and feedback on my résumé.”
- IP consultant
Read More“Hi Shauna,
Thank you so much! The documents look great and are exactly what I was hoping for. I’m excited to start networking and looking for positions, and look forward to getting back in touch in a few weeks.”
- International Criminal Court (ICC) defense attorney
Read More“The best investment that I’ve made in myself in years.”
- Securities litigation and internal investigations case manager
Read More“I needed a résumé that would capture 24 years of experience, and point toward going to the next level. My new résumé does that… Very professional, encouraging, positive and empowering experience overall.”
- Securities litigation case manager
Read More“I think its [the résumé] just great. The organization is so much better. You’ve been just wonderful. I really see the value you bring. This has been great.“
- JD / MBA changing practice areas
Read More“I’m furiously taking notes!”
- Regulatory attorney during Résumé Cram to discuss transitioning from state government to private sector
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