Posts in Senior Leaders
I saw the value of your guidance on telling a story on what I’ve done

“As we’ve gone through the process, I’ve realized I’ve done an enormous amount of stuff in the last 27 years, and I’m pretty proud of it. Even in the first conversation, I saw the value of your guidance on telling a story on what I’ve done, as I knew I would.”

- CLO for billion-dollar healthcare companies

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It’s very true to me.

“You did an excellent job on the résumé. The way you set it up was great and I love the writing and branding. It’s very true to me. I’ve been testing out my elevator pitch. I love it. Your legal background is clear and you clearly know what you’re doing. I love the way you write.”

- General Counsel and CLO in banking and financial services

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This is a huge step forward.

“What you’ve done for me is what I really needed. This is a huge step forward. Everything about the résumé process was self-explanatory and easier than I thought. It’s a good process. I like the résumé’s layout and I’m feeling comfortable with how it presents me and tells my story.”

- Embedded business unit General Counsel for Fortune 100

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