Posts in Senior Leaders
I’m feeling so less anxious than I was just a couple of days ago.

“You have a very impressive résumé. I knew I wanted to work with you, and I was right! I’m relieved and thankful and appreciative for your work on my résumé. I’m feeling so less anxious than I was just a couple of days ago. I’m appreciating visually how much better this résumé is and I think you're getting good insight into—and communicating—the types of things I’ve been doing.”

- Law firm partner moving in-house

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Using your CV, I’ve gotten into all the firms I targeted.

“Using your CV, I’ve gotten into all the firms I targeted, I’ve gotten into the doors I wanted to get in. It has served me very well. The résumé was perfect. It pitched me for the roles I wanted, at the level I wanted. I want to keep working with you every year to keep the CV fresh. I’m tired of rushing around at the last minute.”

- Financial services COO and GC

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