“Hi Julie, Thank you again for your time and insight! The session was very helpful. I am confident that the finished product will better present my experience to firms.”
- Midlevel international associate relocating to the U.S.
Read More“Hi Julie, Thank you again for your time and insight! The session was very helpful. I am confident that the finished product will better present my experience to firms.”
- Midlevel international associate relocating to the U.S.
Read More“Hi Shauna, I've submitted to a few roles and have received a pretty positive response. I'm interviewing right now.... Thank you, as always, for your time, advice, and candid feedback.”
- Lead tech innovation counsel at $40+ billion tech services company
Read More“Hi Julie, thanks for making yourself available for a last-minute call. Your considerations were sound and helpful. I think you were on point in your advice! The headhunter texted me yesterday evening that both interviewers thought I was “terrific” and they would work on an offer in the coming days.”
- Foreign-educated attorney looking for U.S. in-house position
Read More“Thank you as always for your excellent coaching, Shauna. For the first time in 60 years, I stood up for myself.”
- Law firm partner
Read More“The resume was great and now I have 3 interviews tomorrow. Thank you again so much for your assistance, Shauna.”
- Mid-level lawyer returning to workforce
Read More“I'm so excited that you have time to work your magic again, Shauna. After you did my resume before, I went from no one even talking to me to several job offers.”
- Nonprofit executive director
Read More“Jared, this has changed the way I think about myself.”
- Deputy general counsel for a national lender
Read More“This has been such a helpful exercise. The product is beyond good and I recommended you to a colleague. I said, "Jared helped me think not only about my résumé, but also about my career as we went through it. It was a little bit like talk therapy." Also, a CCO friend texted yesterday about a potential role and guess what; my résumé is ready for him.”
- General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer & Corporate Secretary for a health-tech company
Read More“I know full well that I could handle an in-house function, and I love that you've given me a way to demonstrate that, Jared.”
- Insurance defense litigator transitioning in-house
Read More“I see it now, Jared. You can start by writing a narrative, but you've got to find-tune the bullets so people can immediately know what you're talking about and what you're looking for. This has been very helpful. Lots to mull over.”
- Law firm litigator
Read More“This gives me a lot of confidence, Jared. It was helpful to have an interview today because things came up that we've been talking about and I could so clearly see the value of your process.”
- Of Counsel for an international general practice law firm
Read More“This is night-and-day from where we started and I'm thrilled, Jared! I would have never been able to do this on my own, and I can't thank you enough.”
- Ethics & Compliance Officer for a multinational food corporation
Read More“The other thing this whole process has done, Jared—including the JDA, and I wish I'd done this sooner—is that it makes you realize where the holes are.”
- Tech-focused Law Firm Partner for an AmLaw 100
Read More“I got into my homework and realized, ‘Wow, Jared. This is a lot harder than I thought.’ But the value is immense. You have a passion for it, and that's why we're working together.”
- Silicon Valley-focused regulatory partner for an Am Law 100 law firm
Read More“Jared, I like where we've been and I like where we're going. This is authentic and so much more than the story I started with.”
- Senior Litigation Counsel for a National Retail Chain
Read More“Shauna, talking to you is amazing.”
- Lawyer transitioning to senior roles in AmLaw 200 firm
Read More“I like what Shauna did with LinkedIn. It's far better than what I've had. And it's really comprehensive.”
- Fortune 10 senior commercial transactions lawyer
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