Legal Education Roundup (Dec 13, 2024)
Recent reports on the future of law schools and legal education.
"Foley Summer Associate Fails to Show DEI Remarks Protected Job," Bloomberg Law
"Law students are more diverse, face more debt than 20 years ago, new study says," ABA Journal
"Campuses Advise International Students to Return by Inauguration Day," Inside Higher Ed
"Are Elite Colleges (And Law Schools) Circumventing The Supreme Court's SFFA Decision?" The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Cost of a new public law school in Texas? $20 million, study finds," Reuters
"Law student satisfaction rates high for last 20 years, lower for students of color, study shows," Reuters
"Calif bar considers campus protests in moral character review for lawyer licensing," Reuters
"Applications for law school up an 'unnatural' 35% from 2023," ABA Journal
About the Author
Julie Cromer Young, Esq. Career Coach and Résumé Writer
Law school doesn’t teach you how to get a job and build a career. Since 2006, we've helped law students transition to law practice. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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