Legal Education Roundup (Oct 2, 2020)
Recent reports on the future of law schools and legal education.
"'The Best You Could Do': Summer Associates Rate Their Unusual, COVID-Influenced Experiences," The American Lawyer
"How to Improve Diversity at The Bar," International
"For 2020 Summer Associates, Social Events Went Virtual, and Sometimes Quirky," Texas Lawyer
"How Midsize Firms Fit Summer Associates Into the New Normal," The Legal Intelligencer
"Seattle Is Eleventh Law School To Offer Hybrid Online J.D.," TaxProf Blog
"UCLA Law Secures Record-Breaking Gift From Native American Tribe," The Recorder
"You accepted a clerkship; now what? A to-do list for before your first day ABA Journal
"District of Columbia Adopts Diploma Privilege in Bar Exam's 11th Hour,"
"Cheating. Frozen Computers. Typing Lags. Bar Examinees Raise Red Flags Over Looming Online Test," New York Law Journal
"California State Bar exam, delayed amid pandemic, becomes contentious," San Francisco Chronicle
"Bar exam in hotel rooms offered test-takers social distancing and private bathrooms," ABA Journal
"Supreme Court Attorney Proposes Alternative Bar License Path for Recent Law Grads," The Recorder
About the Author
Julie Cromer Young, Esq. Career Coach and Résumé Writer
Law school doesn’t teach you how to get a job and build a career. Since 2006, we've helped law students transition to law practice. Learn more about our team and how we can help you.
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