Reviews for: Law School & Association
should be required reading

“[Shauna’s book] is a well-researched, thorough career guide that will meet the unique needs of both law school applicants and current law school students. Author Shauna Bryce has written an experience-based guide to shed light on the legal hiring process based on her own experiences as an attorney and on the interviews she conducted with 150+ hiring lawyers…

Pre-law advisors, law school advisors, and career practitioners will all find How to Get a Legal Job: A Guide for New Attorneys and Law School Students a resource-rich, practical manual that will assist students in finding and landing legal employment. It should be required reading for every student about to apply to or enter law school, especially in light of the less than stellar job market encountered by new lawyers in recent years.”

- National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Journal review excerpt by Marianne Green, University of Delaware

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