Posts in Early Careers
providing me with tips for updating my LinkedIn profile

“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for the taking the time to hop on a call today and work on both my résumé and cover letter with me. I also appreciate you providing me with tips for updating my LinkedIn profile. I will be sure to keep you updated on my job search!”

- Junior associate seeking first in-house counsel position

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revamping my résumé and my approach to transitioning

“Thanks Julie! I want to thank you for your guidance and assistance with revamping my résumé and my approach to transitioning into my second career. Your guidance was invaluable and I am eternally grateful!”

- Second-career professional getting first associate attorney role

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I got responses from both partners within 24 hours

“After our meeting, I sent my new cover letter and résumé to the recruiter posting a role with [Global 15 law firm], but the recruiter didn't seem that enthusiastic, so I did like you said, Shauna—I figured out who the partners who would be making the decision were and I sent my materials to them. I got responses from both partners within 24 hours and now I have an interview set up.”

- Junior corporate lawyer breaking into BigLaw from small firm

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you were right in predicting the format and the hypotheticals that they had

“Hey Julie, I think the interview went well. You were right in predicting the format and the hypotheticals that they had. Thank you for all the help you’ve given me, and hopefully I can get back to you later stating that I got the job.”

- Junior attorney transitioning from private practice to public defense

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I sent it to the partner of a law firm, and he said he was very impressed by the format of my résumé

“Thank you for the résumé, Julie! I sent it to the partner of a law firm, and he said he was very impressed by the format of my résumé. He found it presented information in a very digestible format.”

- Tax associate transitioning to litigation position

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I love the new version of my résumé!

“Hi Julie: Thank you so much for your time, help, and insight. I really appreciate it. I love the new version of my résumé! I will review it and schedule an appointment with you to revise my LinkedIn profile and some coaching. I will keep you posted with my next steps. Thank you!”

– Junior litigation associate seeking to switch markets

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now I can see myself down the line in a career that I would be interested in

“I got caught up in what I was supposed to be doing, as opposed to what I wanted to be doing. This session has helped me realize how much that has happened. Julie's coaching was really helpful. It's a real weight off my shoulders. Instead of just trying to make it to the next step in my career, now I can see myself down the line in a career that I would be interested in.”

– Law student going through on-campus interviews

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a partner at [AmLaw 25 firm] asked for my résumé, and then asked me if he could share my résumé with some of the partners at the firm

“Last week, I was called by 3 recruiters and 2 Amlaw 50 firm partners. A partner at [AmLaw 25 firm] asked for my résumé, and then asked me if he could share my résumé with some of the partners at the firm. Thanks, Shauna.”

– Recent LLM graduate

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