Posts in Executives & On-Track
I will be referring you to people

“A colleague highly recommended your services... I just referred your services to 3 [lawyers] today, Shauna, and wanted to give you a “heads up” that I will be referring you to people from time to time.”

- Therapist for lawyers

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you've added so much meat to the bones of my résumé

“This résumé is so much better than anything I could have pulled together, Shauna. You've added so much meat to the bones of my résumé. I just didn't know how to take my résumé to this. I didn't know how to tell my story and talk about my impact. This much better conveys what I've done. I sound great!”

- DGC at nationally known healthcare tech

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documents that were tailored to where I want to be

“Thank you so much for your help with my résumé and cover letter. I felt a lot more comfortable going into the job search with more professional documents that were tailored to where I want to be. I am two weeks into my new job and I am still excited! I would love to work with you again in the near future on updating my LinkedIn, Jessica.”

- In-house Counsel, Litigation & Employment

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you set my career set up for launch

“Shauna, you set my career set up for launch! You helped me realize that I need to know what I want, helped me understand the distinction between a legal specialist and generalist -- and that I'm a generalist. Since we talked, I had the opportunity to grow my team and it's been really cool. Now I've just accepted an opportunity reporting directly to the GC of [NYSE-listed cloud computing company]. The first thing the GC said to me at my interview was, 'OMG, your résumé was amazing. I've seen so many résumés, but yours does a great job of showing impact, not only individually but also as a team. Usually I have to work hard to tease it out, but yours just jumped out.' I also want to mention your tip about using our networks to get past HR was really important. HR wasn't interested in me. But my contact got my résumé in front of the GC and an hour later I call the call to interview. Shauna, you are a genius.”

- Executive level Silicon Valley counsel

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a way of thinking that I haven't had

“Shauna, this has been such an educational process. It's a perspective that I don't have and a way of thinking that pulled me away from just looking at the the leaves on the trees to also look the forest. It's just a way of thinking that I haven't had and it's incredibly valuable.”

- AUSA shifting to corporate investigator roles

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