Posts in Coaching
It was a feel-good moment.

“I had a mock interview today. I felt the questions were a better reflection of this revised document [résumé], more positive about my experience, and I felt better prepared. It helped [in preparing for the interview] thinking about what I got out of my internships, what I learned. I was able to work that into the interview. I was able to extrapolate transferrable skills—taking skills I’d learned from my hobbies and applying them to law. The interviewer loved it. It was a feel-good moment.”

- 2L interested in patent law

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He was VERY impressed and interviewed me on the spot!

 “Shauna, I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and brought my résumé and cover letter to [the partner’s] his office and he was VERY impressed and interviewed me on the spot! Thank you so much for your advice and for the wonderful cover letter and résumé!”

- eDiscovery attorney transitioning to commercial litigator role in boutique firm

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The law firm that we discussed made me an offer.

“Dear Ms. Bryce,

My apologies for reaching out on this [Thanksgiving] holiday but I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation for your support. The law firm that we discussed made me an offer. Please know that my family and I will be giving you thanks on this day.”

- Junior attorney who secured an offer within two weeks of working with Shauna — after looking for work for nearly two years

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