“Shauna gave me great advice regarding my résumé in my job search. I enjoyed working with her, and I found her knowledge about the legal industry to be an invaluable asset. I would hire her again.”
- Regulatory law attorney
Read More“Shauna gave me great advice regarding my résumé in my job search. I enjoyed working with her, and I found her knowledge about the legal industry to be an invaluable asset. I would hire her again.”
- Regulatory law attorney
Read More“This [interview coaching] has been great—thank you for your ideas. I had another interview four months ago for another very interesting opportunity for [a university] in [Mid-Atlantic state]. The résumé you did for me worked; that's why they contacted me. The interview didn't go badly, but it could have gone a lot better with your help. I should have called you first!”
- Partner at Chambers-ranked law firm moving in-house
Read More“Can you just come to the interview with me and whisper the answers in my ear? The way you phrase things is spot on. You word things perfectly.”
- Recent law school graduate
Read More“The [career portfolio] documents were amazing. The way you gathered all the information… the way you used the information in the résumé, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile optimization was bar none. It’s fantastic. I’m very happy. I really didn’t understand why you were asking me all the questions you did in the interview, but now that I see how it’s used in the documents, it’s amazing. Thank you so much for everything. It was well worth the price.”
- Recent law school graduate
Read More“Thank you so much for your email. The way you broke it down was great, and just what I needed. It was the best advice I’ve had in years.”
- Second-career attorney breaking into the legal field
Read More“Thank you for the résumé and the advice – it is greatly appreciated. I love the résumé and think it will do wonders in securing an interview and a new position.”
- Junior commercial litigator and real estate attorney
Read More“You’ve covered everything [in coaching] I had questions about. I now have a plan of attack, which I didn’t have before.”
- Recent law school graduate exploring potential legal careers
Read More“I had a mock interview today. I felt the questions were a better reflection of this revised document [résumé], more positive about my experience, and I felt better prepared. It helped [in preparing for the interview] thinking about what I got out of my internships, what I learned. I was able to work that into the interview. I was able to extrapolate transferrable skills—taking skills I’d learned from my hobbies and applying them to law. The interviewer loved it. It was a feel-good moment.”
- 2L interested in patent law
Read More“I have been approached by a legal search firm as well as [a TV] studio.”
- Entry-level entertainment law attorney
Read More“I got an interview with [one of the world’s Top 10 law firms] today!!!”
- Law student in Hong Kong applying to U.S.-based and U.K.-based firms with offices in Asia
Read More“Shauna, I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and brought my résumé and cover letter to [the partner’s] his office and he was VERY impressed and interviewed me on the spot! Thank you so much for your advice and for the wonderful cover letter and résumé!”
- eDiscovery attorney transitioning to commercial litigator role in boutique firm
Read More“Dear Ms. Bryce,
My apologies for reaching out on this [Thanksgiving] holiday but I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation for your support. The law firm that we discussed made me an offer. Please know that my family and I will be giving you thanks on this day.”
- Junior attorney who secured an offer within two weeks of working with Shauna — after looking for work for nearly two years
Read More“I just accepted an offer at [Am Law 100 law firm], as an Associate in their real estate section. Graduating from a Tier 4 school, I never thought this would be possible. I owe a huge part of it to you!”
- Junior real estate associate
Read More“I took your advice and built a relationship with a lawyer at [TV studio]. She’s now mentoring me and has talked about bringing me in-house.”
- Junior litigator
Read More“Through both my discussions with Shauna and the final résumé, I regained some confidence that I think I was missing in my job search. In other words, she and the product got me motivated again.”
- eDiscovery attorney transitioning to commercial litigator role
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