Posts in Coaching
I foolishly waited to do this

“The JDA is enlightening, Jared. I foolishly waited to do this and now I'm realizing, wow, there's a lot of work in just finding the appropriate job description and roles. It's not like there's fifty of these jobs floating around just because I'm ready to make a move.”

– Am Law 200 partner specializing in policy and regulatory advising, commercial transactions, and disputes

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I never would have gotten here without your amazing coaching and support

“Shauna, I wanted to thank you for all of your help, encouragement and support in enabling me to pivot my career towards patent prosecution. I worked at the internship for nearly 6 months and then got an offer last week from [firm], a patent prosecution boutique just outside of [city]... The road to getting my career on a livable track was quite bumpy for me - thank you for making it survivable. I never would have gotten here without your amazing coaching and support!”

– Non-traditional IP lawyer

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will sign up for more hours

“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for your time speaking with me this afternoon, your notes and the advice! I really appreciate all of them. I really enjoyed our conversations and have learned a lot. I know what I can do now and the job opportunities I should be looking for. I hope I can continue to work with you and will sign up for more hours. Please stay in touch and stay safe.”

– Junior tax attorney seeking to transition into a litigation role

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interview and offer

“Julie, I made changes to the résumé based on our session. I got a lot more responses than I did with my previous résumé. Before I got hardly any looks and constantly got rejections, but now people are looking at it 2 and 3 times. I got an interview and an offer with a law firm. Thank you so much for the work that you previously did on it, it really helped! It is definitely a huge step in the right direction.”

- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first career position

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I felt so much more confident

“Thank you again for spending so many hours to make me feel comfortable for a simple [but critical networking] phone call.  I know you probably think it’s ridiculous — after all, I have been speaking with people for many years — but I felt so much more confident going into this discussion than I would have without your expertise. So, thank you very much!”

- NLJ 500 law firm partner and former GC

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my dream job

“I am extremely excited to have another interview coming up for my dream job (they reached out to me again after 8 months of an initial ;no’ :) I followed your advice and stayed in touch with the company, even after they rejected me the first time. I feel so lucky to have a second chance! They are skipping me ahead in the process this time. I’m meeting directly with the decision-maker.”

- Senior compliance lawyer

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Priceless :)

“Hi Shauna, Just heads up that I had THE call with GC, it went amazing! Instant rapport and it felt genuinely warm. She said she will forward my résumé this morning to head of HR Legal and that she thought I should be in again. :) As for me, I felt great.... Thanks so so much for your help! Priceless :)”

- Senior corporate generalist returning to Fortune 10 Regional GC roles

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