“Now I keep asking myself, 'What would Shauna say about this?' You've really gotten in my head!”
– Law firm partner
Read More“Now I keep asking myself, 'What would Shauna say about this?' You've really gotten in my head!”
– Law firm partner
Read More“Julie, thank you so much for your instant help! You are definitely a trusted advisor. Every time after I seek your advice, I feel more comfortable. Thank you again for your immediate and insightful help. Look forward to continuing working with you!!”
– Junior associate working for solo practitioner
Read More“I cannot thank you enough, Shauna. I know that the preparation you gave me was the difference. DDI [all day leadership development assessment] was as draining as taking the bar. Preparation was an absolute. I would not have been able to do it without the talking points and questions we prepared. We even anticipated the part that was supposed to be a surprise. I was told my results were off the charts and one of the highest scores they've had. You are officially a DDI expert!”
– Litigation counsel at one of the world's leading financial institutions
Read More“I love talking to you, Shauna. These ideas are brilliant.”
– Law firm partner transitioning back in-house
Read More“Shauna, I applied online to Microsoft--my dream employer--and they reached out to me. I followed all your recommendations during the preliminary interviews and now I'm in the final rounds! I also got a job offer last December. They were so impressed that they cancelled the last rounds of interviews and just gave me an offer.”
– Foreign-trained commercial transactions attorney
Read More“This has been such a helpful conversation, Jared. I would have never thought about using your JDA to hedge against career missteps.”
– General Counsel of a national franchising company
Read More“Shauna, I'm amazed how many recruiters have called from various AmLaw 50 law firms.”
– Law firm partner in business development coaching
Read More“Jared helped me realize that even after nearly twenty years, I still find myself thinking about job searching as a post-law school competition instead of considering how I might actually feel about a role.”
– CLO of a recently acquired retail financing company
Read More“Thank you so much for your thorough feedback, Julie. I will think more about what we’ve discussed and your feedback before deciding my next steps. Thank you so much for your time.”
– Junior labor associate transitioning to in-house work
Read More“Thanks so much for our talk, Julie! And thanks also for summing up your advice for me in bullet-points. I'll definitely implement them into my next few weeks before I start shooting out applications.”
– Federal clerk preparing to interview for firm positions
Read More“Shauna, I interviewed for a job today and, well, I was practically offered the job on the spot.”
– GC-track Fortune 15 lawyer
Read More“Wow, Jared. You've given me a ton to think about. I had no idea how complex a job search could be, and certainly hadn't thought about all of the nuances about someone at my stage in the game. It was really enlightening. I'm going to review the sites you suggested and do the exercises, and likely get back to you.”
– Equity Partner
Read More“This is my third hour working with Jared and I learn so much every time; not only about myself, but about myself as a lawyer in business. Thank you so much. I really enjoy every minute.”
– Senior IP Associate for an Am Law 200 law firm
Read More“When we go away between sessions, Jared, it causes me to think. There's a lot of discernment here, both in terms of what I can do but also what I might be able to do. Things I'd have never thought about on my own.”
– IP commercialization strategist and corporate advisor
Read More“The JDA is enlightening, Jared. I foolishly waited to do this and now I'm realizing, wow, there's a lot of work in just finding the appropriate job description and roles. It's not like there's fifty of these jobs floating around just because I'm ready to make a move.”
– Am Law 200 partner specializing in policy and regulatory advising, commercial transactions, and disputes
Read More“Jared's JDA is super. Working with him, I can see why the process makes sense. A typical person says, ‘Let me go throw some stuff on paper,’ but this helps a person think about where their skill set and interests are a fit. Or maybe not a fit.”
– Technology partner for an Am Law 200 law firm
Read More“Hi Shauna — I just got off the phone with [Company]. They are going to offer me the role of Director of Legal Services. I am very appreciative of all of your help... Many thanks.”
– Law firm partner transitioning back in-house
Read More“Hi Shauna, Thank you so much! As always, it was an insightful and productive call and I came out of it feeling better about my path ahead.”
– Privacy counsel at one of the world's most recognized brands
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