Posts in Early Careers
will sign up for more hours

“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for your time speaking with me this afternoon, your notes and the advice! I really appreciate all of them. I really enjoyed our conversations and have learned a lot. I know what I can do now and the job opportunities I should be looking for. I hope I can continue to work with you and will sign up for more hours. Please stay in touch and stay safe.”

– Junior tax attorney seeking to transition into a litigation role

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interview and offer

“Julie, I made changes to the résumé based on our session. I got a lot more responses than I did with my previous résumé. Before I got hardly any looks and constantly got rejections, but now people are looking at it 2 and 3 times. I got an interview and an offer with a law firm. Thank you so much for the work that you previously did on it, it really helped! It is definitely a huge step in the right direction.”

- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first career position

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“Hi Shauna, Just wanted to check in and say hello, and say a big thank you for recommending [bar tutoring] service to assist me with BAR prep for the February 2020 Bar Exam -- I PASSED !!!! … I am currently working as a prosecutor and I am really happy and enjoying it. Thanks again for all of your help with my résumé and cover letter for this job, and with the Bar Exam tutoring recommendation.” 

- Entry-level lawyer

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