Posts in Resume Writing
The entire job search package is classy, smart, and so well put together

“I have a realistic base from which to embark on my job search. My résumé is honest, and is not embellished. That gives me solid confidence to market myself. The entire job search package is classy, smart, and so well put together that I feel confident that it will be noticed.”

- Complex commercial litigation case manager

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It really tells my story.

“The résumé and cover letter look fabulous. I’m quite pleased with them because they incorporate both my legal and business experience. The résumé does a really good job highlighting what I’m doing and giving it a legal bent. I really like the cover letter. It really tells my story. And I liked that it incorporated feedback from my supervisors.”

 - Junior healthcare attorney

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Shauna, you’re like my fairy godmother.

“Shauna, you’re like my fairy godmother. You’ve been extremely helpful at every step of this process. I have been learning that there’s a lot more thought involved in building a résumé than I anticipated. But going through the process is good interview prep as well. There’s so much conflicting advice on the internet and it’s been hard to find credible information and advice—at least until I found you.”

- Outside general counsel moving in-house

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the résumé presentation made me stand out and was key to me securing the interview

“I wanted to let you know that I recently accepted a position with [business and financial news publisher] reporting to the SVP and Associate General Counsel… Although it’s probably viewed as a lateral position based on the organization structure, [Company] is a solid company and recognized brand. I will be the lead attorney supporting the global acquisition of products and services for business operations… I received a solid offer, and the position offers opportunities for advancement. I wholeheartedly believe that the résumé presentation made me stand out and was key to me securing the interview.”

- Senior corporate generalist at $20 billion multinational

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Your guidance and feedback are priceless!!!

“I accepted a position (Associate General Counsel – Employment) with [Company]. Earlier this summer we discussed my interest in companies that want to change the world. Well, they are doing just that!… Many, many thanks for your assistance this summer. Your guidance and feedback are priceless!!!”

- Employment lawyer in Fortune 100 company

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I went to another résumé service... and they never even let me talk to the writer.

“We’re just 28 mins in [to a 120-Minute Résumé Cram with Live Edit] and I’m already so happy that I did this. I wasn’t sure at first, and I’ve been to your website many times…. [later in the same call] I’ve been in awe for the last hour and 20 minutes. I’m usually not so at a loss for words. But this has been fascinating to watch and I really appreciate the give and take. I went to another résumé service awhile back and they never even let me talk to the writer. They just made me fill out a really long questionnaire, and then cut and paste my answers into a résumé. This is so much better!“

– Healthcare attorney

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You’ve got a talent for turning ideas into meaningful, impactful text.

“You made this [résumé] so much stronger already [during a 90-minute Résumé Cram with Live Edit]. I’m amazed. I cannot tell you how helpful this is. You’ve got a talent for turning ideas into meaningful, impactful text. You are just terrific.”

- Chief Compliance Officer and corporate generalist in pharma

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The CV is excellent and it is me!

“I know I have said this but I want to let you know how much I appreciate the work you have done. The CV is excellent and it is me! My first goal in working with you was establishing my brand through a rigorous process – we’ve done that!!! Thank you very much. I’ve enjoyed our engagement and I appreciate your insights and coaching.”

– General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer in banking and financial services

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