“All is well. Employed at the [state] Department of Healthcare Services and very happy.”
- Six-month update from litigator transitioning to government
Read More“All is well. Employed at the [state] Department of Healthcare Services and very happy.”
- Six-month update from litigator transitioning to government
Read More“This is great. I love everything you said. I completely agree with what you’re doing and I totally understand why you’re doing it. I can take what you're doing and keep working on my own. Super helpful!”
- Non-profit general counsel
Read More“I can’t improve on what you’ve done with my CV. You do amazing work. It really tells a story.”
- General counsel and strategic growth partner for Fortune 250 multinationals and rising leaders
Read More“Shauna, Thanks so much for all your help! I very much appreciate your invaluable insights.”
- Junior attorney seeking federal clerkships
Read More“Thank you for the draft and the wonderful session. I can’t wait to work on my résumé tomorrow.”
- Healthcare attorney in-house at healthcare systems
Read More“For years, I’ve looked—on paper—like a hot a mess. I'm so grateful to you already. I've really found this process very valuable. It seems much more fun to think of and write my résumé as story about my career, rather than using the same old boring résumé format and language everyone else uses. I'm excited to continue working on my own.”
- In-house healthcare attorney looking to advance
Read More“Shauna Bryce -- she helped me craft a résumé after 5 years as a SAHM (stay at home mom). I was a lawyer and she did an amazing job marketing me. I am tempted to hire her again now that I’ve been back to work a while to help refresh it. She’s really good at what she does. Highly recommend. Shauna wasn’t cheap - especially since I wasn’t working at the time, but was worth it to me. She was interesting because she was able to translate my unique working experiences. I got a job within 6 weeks of switching up my résumé. She did an excellent job.”
- Posting on “DC Urban Moms and Dads” forum
Read More“I like your tone and your writing. You’ve done a great job organizing a lot of information.”
- Law firm partner applying to head of litigation and general counsel roles
Read More“Thank you so much! This process has been amazing.”
- AGC targeting general counsel roles in IP-driven companies
Read More“I’m happy to report I found my dream job (left the in-house legal department) and now I’m on the business side of development, in the city where I want to retire, and with the company that is the best fit for me culturally and intellectually. And I did all this through networking, patience, and developing a job position that did not exist six months ago. Cheers.”
- Senior in-house counsel in engineering and infrastructure development
Read More“Utilizing the CV edited by Shauna, I secured Director level interviews with [Big 4 consulting firm] and [Fortune 250 fintech company]. I accepted an offer with a credit card fintech as the company’s Interim Chief Compliance Officer.”
- Senior regulatory compliance counsel for financial services and banking
Read More“I love it. This is more than I ever dreamed of. I mean, you saw the ‘before’ version; this is all great!”
- Second-career lawyer transitioning in-house
Read More“This has been a very productive series of conversations.”
- Rising 2L applying for cybersecurity-related internships
Read More“I didn’t fully appreciate the nuance of hiring a résumé writer who didn’t know legal hiring and wasn’t a lawyer. I’m not proud of the original résumé I paid for and it doesn’t reflect who I am. Yours is so much better, so much more in-depth. As you’ve been asking me questions, I’m like, ‘Oh, she really gets it.’ You’re really good at this and I'm so glad I came to you. I should have hired you from the beginning.”
- In-house counsel at a private equity fund transitioning to AmLaw 100 firms
Read More“Thank you for the session today. It was very helpful. I appreciate your input and advice. A lot to think about and work with.”
- Senior corporate counsel transitioning to nonprofit leadership roles
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