Posts in Resume Writing
I spoke to a recruiter this week

“I’m grateful you’ve been able to translate what I do and have done into something that makes sense and really shows my legal skills. When you’re in it every day, it’s hard to step back and see the value you bring. I’m much more comfortable with the new résumé. It’s more reflective of my value. I spoke to a recruiter this week and they said the résumé was fabulous and asked where I got it done. Again thank you very much. This whole thing has been so incredibly helpful.”

- General Counsel

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a completely different approach

“It’s a completely different approach than I’ve been taught, but I totally understand the method. It makes 100% sense and it’s totally clear. I feel so much better about my prospects and my plan of attack after working with you. It’s making me think about what I need to do to prepare for a job interview, to make sure I can reframe what I do. I’m loving this.”

- Federal judicial clerk transitioning to law firms

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all the résumé writers recommended you

“Everyone I talked to told me to talk to you. You should know that everyone—all the other résumé writers I talked to— recommended you. And you worked your magic. It's fantastic. It's so much clearer, it's amazing. I actually feel so much better about this whole job search right now because of the new résumé.”

- AmLaw 100 staff attorney

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