“This has been a great help. You obviously have a lot more experience at this than I do.”
- Junior litigator changing cities
Read More“This has been a great help. You obviously have a lot more experience at this than I do.”
- Junior litigator changing cities
Read More“Thank you for everything, Shauna. I appreciate both your end-product and your process.”
- Compliance officer
Read More“The résumé has helped a lot and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
- Healthcare attorney
Read More“I want to thank you again for an amazing session, I have learnt a lot from it.”
- Foreign-trained lawyer and LLM grad entering U.S. market
Read More“I received a two-level promotion using the résumé.”
- Senior Fortune 100 lawyer who had been undervalued and underemployed
Read More“I appreciate hearing your way of thinking. I’m just so antiquated. I feel like I’ve been auditioning for a movie role using a VHS tape. This has been a major reveal. This is just such a weight of my shoulders.”
- General counsel
Read More“Good Morning, Shauna. Thank you for these draft documents. I think they are excellent.”
- Global head of anti-counterfeiting at S&P 500 component
Read More“I’m feeling great. It brings a lot of flavor and texture to my transactional background, which is important as I start to move from litigation. This résumé builds a story. Mine read like I was billing the client.”
- Mid-level corporate associate
Read More“I really appreciate your input. We've only been talking 10 minutes and you’ve already re-oriented how I think about my résumé. This is such a re-orientation on how tell my story. I feel very liberated. Everyone who has looked at my résumé has locked me into this format, but that hasn’t worked for me. Nothing is more painful than steady rejections. I really like what you're doing. You’ve burned through the log jam of frustration. This has been great.”
- Former GC returning to GC roles
Read More“One of the best pieces of advice you’ve given me is to think about the résumé as a living document. That’s really freed up my completion paralysis—just knowing that I can change it when I need to, whenever I need to.”
- Head of IP Litigation at Fortune 5
Read More“I had an initial job interview with a search firm this week and everything we talked about during the résumé session came in really handy. I used every interview prep line you gave me.”
- Senior securities lawyer positioning for first GC roles
Read More“I joined [AmLaw 100 law firm] right after we did my résumé the first time. A BigLaw partner on the other side of the deal asked for my résumé and that day he sent it to 5 AmLaw 100 firms. I interviewed with 4 and got offers from 2. Even though I had never practiced before and didn't work in a law firm, the firm lateraled me in as a second year.”
- Associate on breaking into BigLaw from non-lawyer role in a company in just 6 weeks
“We’re very much on-track. I like the direction we’re going in. I like the way you’ve worded things. I’ve never seen my résumé look so good.”
- Senior in-house counsel positioning for first general counsel roles
Read More“My General Counsel [also a Bryce Legal client] highly recommended you; she keep saying, 'Shauna's great.' I’ve dealt with different people who claimed to be professional résumé writers. They give so many different view points and opinions. But I like your approach and I like what you’re doing with my résumé. I just can't keep using that old résumé if I want to go on a different track with my career. This is has been a really good exercise for me as well to go back and learn to talk about things.”
- Senior in-house counsel pursuing GC roles
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