“Thank you for all your help, Shauna. I could have never gotten this far without you. I could have never done this on my own.”
– GC-track Fortune 250 counsel
Read More“Thank you for all your help, Shauna. I could have never gotten this far without you. I could have never done this on my own.”
– GC-track Fortune 250 counsel
Read More“Because of Shauna’s help I was able to land an interview which eventually led to an offer at a tech company.”
- Assistant General Counsel
Read More“I like the approach and the look of the résumé and how it really highlights my accomplishments instead of tasks. It’s made if me really re-think my career from task after the next.”
- Fortune 100 in-house commercial transactions attorney
Read More“What you wrote just jumps off the page. It’s completely different and it’s amazing.”
- Hedge fund GC
Read More“Hi Shauna, Just heads up that I had THE call with GC, it went amazing! Instant rapport and it felt genuinely warm. She said she will forward my résumé this morning to head of HR Legal and that she thought I should be in again. :) As for me, I felt great.... Thanks so so much for your help! Priceless :)”
- Senior corporate generalist returning to Fortune 10 Regional GC roles
Read More“It would have taken me 8 hours to do the work you did in 90 minutes, and mine wouldn't have been half as good.”
- DGC / regional GC
Read More"I appreciate the candor. I’ve been sending résumés out for weeks without the response I’ve wanted, and I’d realized that I’ve just been missing something. But I didn’t understand what that something was. Thanks for your time today.”
- Tech transactions and privacy counsel
Read More“Overall, the résumé reads really strong. I’m really, really happy with it. You’re very receptive to questions and you make me feel really comfortable about talking through all the decision-making and the language.”
- Chief Compliance Officer candidate
Read More“That was fast! It’s all happening a lot more quickly than I thought it would! I didn’t feel comfortable with the résumé the other professional résumé writer did. But just a week after we finished the new résumé, I’ve already set up interview for an AGC role in DC.”
- AmLaw 100 lawyer returning to U.S.
Read More“You have had so much impact on my career and my life. You just don’t even know. I trust you implicitly.”
- Long-time Bryce Legal client
Read More“I'm being highly selective in the pursuit of new employment [and] last week had a second-round in-person interview with a law firm that I’m highly interested in joining... I strongly believe that getting invited to interview with the firm came as a direct result of Shauna’s help in bolstering my résumé, and so I am very thankful, and hopeful that I’ll make a full transition in the near future.”
- In-house technology lawyer
Read More“Thank you so much. I will definitely be recommending you to my friends, Shauna.”
- GC and Head of HR at PE-owned firm
Read More“You’re really helping crystalize my thoughts. You’ve raised really good points that I hadn’t even thought of.”
- Fortune 50-level GC
Read More“Hi Shauna, Just wanted to check in and say hello, and say a big thank you for recommending [bar tutoring] service to assist me with BAR prep for the February 2020 Bar Exam -- I PASSED !!!! … I am currently working as a prosecutor and I am really happy and enjoying it. Thanks again for all of your help with my résumé and cover letter for this job, and with the Bar Exam tutoring recommendation.”
- Entry-level lawyer
Read More“This has been really empowering for me. I wish every lawyer could have this experience. I have finally seen my value.”
- Senior in-house counsel
Read More“I really appreciate our session today, and your advice was remarkable. I was really lost regarding my job search, and I’m now really inspired... I now have a direction and can specifically discuss what type of position I am looking for during my networking efforts. I will follow your provided job search tips, and will definitely keep you updated. Thanks again.”
- High-volume litigator transitioning in-house
Read More“When I thought about working on my résumé on my own, I almost cried. I mean, literally, I almost cried. I could have never done this alone.”
- Executive-track in-house counsel
Read More“I am happy to report that I started a new job at precisely the type of firm I was hoping to join. I started in March. Of course it is a little strange to begin a new job in the current [Covid-19] environment, but I am enthusiastic and excited about it nonetheless. Thanks for the help from you and your team!”
- Junior litigator
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