“I'm really, really happy, Jared! This actually tells a story instead of a data dump.”
– Legal Strategist & Financial Markets Counsel
Read More“I'm really, really happy, Jared! This actually tells a story instead of a data dump.”
– Legal Strategist & Financial Markets Counsel
Read More“Jared, our work helped me clear up a lot of things, even beyond my résumé. I've always found it difficult to say anything cohesive about the complicated work I do. I find myself introducing myself differently these days.”
– Director, Legal Officer & Corporate Counsel
Read More“I had tried several times to interview with this company before, but never got a response—until I sent the résumé and cover letter you did. Then I got immediate positive feedback. I've had two recruiter interviews, and 4 interviews over the past week—including with a software company and as a general counsel for a small start-up. And this whole exercise has forced me to take a good hard look at what I've done and what I want. Thank you Shauna!”
– In-house data privacy counsel
Read More“Shauna, I'm not gonna lie, I'm so glad I worked with you to get my materials pristine, because even though the job market is very slow, my materials got my foot my in door and helped me present. And the tips you gave me have really been successful, including reaching out to the hiring director directly and making connections with alumni and others in organizations. In the last 3 months, I've interviewed with almost every place I applied, including Facebook, Twitter, T-Mobile, Amazon, Honeywell, Nielsen, SEC, JPMorgan, and a US Attorney's Office.”
– BigLaw associate exploring options in law firms, Fortune 500 companies, and federal government
Read More“Due to your good work in helping me translate into the private sector, I am now at [private university]. I thank you Shauna, and your team for the good work you did for me.”
– Former Military Officer transitioning to University President
Read More“I already submitted the résumé last week and the recruiter reached out to me this week to set up an interview. I’m really grateful for the advice you gave me about using the résumé for interview prep, because it really helped me see how my skillset aligns to their needs and to talk about my work better. It was really excellent advice, Shauna.”
- CHRO candidate
Read More“I want to say that this has been a very helpful experience. I'm very pleased with how this résumé is shaping up. Since we last spoke, a Fortune 50 opportunity opened up to me. When the recruiter was asking me questions, I had my inner Shauna echoing in my head. This process is going to be very useful for me to prepare for interviews.”
– Fortune 200 GC
Read More“I really love the résumé we did together, Shauna. I've had headhunters call me for other in-house roles and even to be an advisor to the government of Dubai.”
– Fortune 100 AMEA GC
Read More“The résumé looks so much better, Shauna! There were so many things I wanted to highlight and didn't know how.”
– Head of Compliance for Fortune 500 Multinational
Read More“Seriously, thank you, Shauna. I cannot tell you enough. I’ve always been confident about what I do, but seeing it on paper makes such a big difference. I’ve been smiling ear to ear this whole time, and I’m loving seeing it come together. I cannot wait to start using this new résumé.”
- Fortune 500 Chief Compliance Officer candidate
Read More“Thank you, Shauna! I’ll definitely continue to promote your coaching and resources at every opportunity. I’m so glad you and [senior AmLaw 100 partner] are working together.”
– Founder and President of Attorney Placement Services
Read More“I've had a big year, Shauna! I'm so grateful that I'm finally being recognized for the work I've done. The interview tips you gave me were amazing. Specially, some of the lines you gave me to say really struck a chord with the interviews. I went into that interview and did really good job, and that interview propelled me into the VP of Ethics role.”
– Fortune 5 Chief Ethics Officer
Read More“Hi Shauna, I wanted to let you know that I was promoted to Vice President of Global Ethics at [Fortune 10] yesterday! Thank you so much for all of your support and guidance!”
– Chronically undervalued senior in-house counsel
Read More“Thank you, Shauna! I enjoyed meeting you and thought it was a very productive and helpful session.”
– Fortune 750 GC
Read More“I'm very comfortable that the résumé grabs attention, gets to the point, and is accurate. Shauna, you are far more attuned to what plays and what does not play in the marketplace.”
– Fortune 10 AGC
Read More“I received positive feedback from the interview panel members that they were impressed and that I interviewed very well....Shauna, thank you again for assisting me in restructuring my résumé. I still strongly believe that it directly contributed to landing the interviews, which is where I believe I shine the brightest.”
– In-house litigator
Read More“The résumé strategy session was super helpful, Jared. A totally different way to look at it. Very, very helpful as I'm thinking about moving in-house.”
– Law firm litigation partner considering an in-house move
Read More“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for providing substantial improvements to my résumé. I would have never come up with these changes on my own.”
– Entry level attorney transitioning into associate position
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