Nothing is more painful than steady rejections.

“I really appreciate your input. We've only been talking 10 minutes and you’ve already re-oriented how I think about my résumé. This is such a re-orientation on how tell my story. I feel very liberated. Everyone who has looked at my résumé has locked me into this format, but that hasn’t worked for me. Nothing is more painful than steady rejections. I really like what you're doing. You’ve burned through the log jam of frustration. This has been great.”

- Former GC returning to GC roles

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breaking into BigLaw

“​I joined [AmLaw 100 law firm] right after we did my résumé the first time. A BigLaw partner on the other side of the deal asked for my résumé and that day he sent it to 5 AmLaw 100 firms. I interviewed with 4 and got offers from 2. Even though I had never practiced before and didn't work in a law firm, the firm lateraled me in as a second year.”

- Associate on breaking into BigLaw from non-lawyer role in a company in just 6 weeks

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My GC recommended you

“​My General Counsel [also a Bryce Legal client] highly recommended you; she keep saying, 'Shauna's great.' I’ve dealt with different people who claimed to be professional résumé writers. They give so many different view points and opinions. But I like your approach and I like what you’re doing with my résumé. I just can't keep using that old résumé if I want to go on a different track with my career. This is has been a really good exercise for me as well to go back and learn to talk about things.”

- Senior in-house counsel pursuing GC roles

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an epiphany

“I had an epiphany just now. ​You just explained it full circle, what you said about the good things that can come out of this bad experience. I’m finding ways to be grateful for this bad experience and understand how it can help me a stronger lawyer going forward. It’s changing my perspective. This has been really powerful.​”

- Biglaw associate after being let go

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“I haven’t had to worry about my résumé since law school. And even though I’ve looked at a lot of résumés, I haven’t had to really think about the transition to in-house and how that changes the résumé. You’ve done such a great job of explaining what you’re doing and why throughout. This has been invaluable.”

- AmLaw 100 partner exploring GC roles

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