"The résumé writing session has been great, Julie. This looks so much better and so professional. It is very easy to read and is better than what I had to start with.”
- Mid-level general counsel transitioning into federal government work
Read More"The résumé writing session has been great, Julie. This looks so much better and so professional. It is very easy to read and is better than what I had to start with.”
- Mid-level general counsel transitioning into federal government work
Read More“This is great. It’s way better than anything I would have come ups on my own.”
- Commercial contracts lawyer in BigPharma
Read More“The résumé writing session has been so helpful, Julie. You mentioned things I would not even have thought of. Thank you for that.”
- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first lawyer role
Read More“You’re streamlining the résumé tremendously and really expanding my thinking.”
- Senior BigLaw associate
Read More“I’ve already used the revised cover letter and résumé with some recruiters, and received great feedback!”
- General Counsel
Read More“You do good work. Kudos to you. As a trial lawyer, I know you’ve got to catch people’s attention. And you did that. You do good work, Shauna, and I appreciate it.”
- General counsel at $14+ billion company
Read More“I’m seeing how you’re connecting the dots in my career. This is the story that I’ve always wanted to be able to tell, but couldn’t figure out how. This has been very, very helpful.”
- General counsel
Read More“Thank you so much, Julie! This was very helpful. My résumé looks so much better, and it presents a singular focus as opposed to my previous attempt, which was kind of all over the place."
- Former military spouse entering legal field
Read More“I feel a lot more confident about the next steps in my career search. Thank you so, so, so much, Julie.”
- New attorney
Read More“I spoke with Shauna generally about career direction about a year ago. She was super-helpful and I’ve spent the last year sinking in to the direction she helped me embrace... Now, I’ve just gotten promoted…”
- Senior corporate generalist
Read More“Great insight you shared about starting my legal career! Thank you so much, the coaching was wonderful, Julie.”
- JD/MBA graduate transitioning to permanent employment from contract roles
Read More“I love the résumé. It’s all great. You just have a much better idea of what’s important to employers than I do. My husband—he’s a lawyer also—could use your services too.”
- General Counsel
Read More“I was speaking with a recruiter earlier this week and he told me my LinkedIn profile was unreadable. He made the exact same criticisms you made.”
- GC for PE-owned company
Read More“I was contacted by a placement agency for a job opening at [Fortune 50] in a cybersecurity law capacity… So glad I have a great résumé to provide!”
- Former military officer
Read More“Hi Shauna, Once again it was worth the wait. I am very grateful for and appreciate all your help.”
- Fortune 500 and start-up senior corporate generalist
Read More”Many thanks for all of your very specific guidance! The LinkedIn tutorial was fantastic. I love the way you think.”
- Former senior counsel at Fortune 10
Read More“Thank you for checking in! It’s been a great year. My session with Shauna was amazing. She helped me see options I hadn’t considered. The updated résumé was great. Shortly after our session I interviewed for a position as an Assistant Attorney General and got the job! I’ve found my niche in appeals and I’m happy with where my career is headed. I’m 2 months shy of my one year anniversary as an AAG.”
- State prosecutor
Read More“Hi Shauna, I hope all is well with you. I want to let you know that I recently accepted a position as the new Director of Government Affairs with the [international nonprofit]… Thank you for assisting me throughout my post-law school job search. I know that without your help in developing a job search strategy and reformatting my résumé to best appeal to employers that I would not have gotten this opportunity. I will keep in touch.”
- Junior lawyer shifting to executive-track
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