“I have to tell you, I think this résumé is great. I understand what you’re doing and I’m completely on-board. My spouse is a recruiter, looked at it and said, ‘Wow, this is great!’ I really like this structure a lot. Thank you.”
- Head of IP for Fortune 500
Read More“Hi Shauna, Thanks for the great and extremely productive session this morning!”
- In-house counsel improving her LinkedIn profile
Read More“The CEO reached out to me on LinkedIn. We had a lot of contacts in common, so networking matters. And we got along really well. It wasn’t until just before they gave me the offer that the job ad was created and posted.”
- Senior counsel transferring to first GC role
Read More“Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”
- Candidate for Fortune 500 Chief Patent Officer roles
Read More“This résumé looks really good. I feel a lot better about it, I definitely am feeling much better about it. Thank you so much for all your help, Julie.”
- Former law clerk transitioning into public defender work
Read More“I like the look of this cover letter a lot, Julie. I am not just saying that. It is so hard to talk about yourself. This is targeted and focused and really highlights my application.“
- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first career position
Read More“Thank you again for putting this LinkedIn profile together. There’s definitely a lot to work through. I have a real appreciation for the work you've put in.”
- GC-track candidate
Read More“Shauna’s work on my résumé helped me to secure senior leadership roles with [Fortune 20 multinational] and here at [global industry leader].”
- General Counsel
Read More"Thank you so, so, so much. This has been a good session. I feel much better about going into my interview now that an expert has looked at what I plan to say.”
- Foreign attorney looking to transition into U.S. legal assistance role
Read More“Thank you so much for the information, Julie. You answered and really helped a lot with everything that I had a question on. I know it’s really going to do a lot. It’s always really helpful just to hear advice on what exactly to do, especially for someone who’s recently graduated and trying to find a place of employment. Thank you so much - I’m confident something will happen!”
- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first career position
Read More“Thanks Jared, this has been super valuable. So much more than I expected and could have ever done on my own. I’ll be back in touch once I’ve iterated on what we began today.”
- Law firm partner
Read More“I just got a request via LinkedIn to be a financial advisor on a board.”
- Capital markets executive for a global investment bank
Read More“I’ve only done hiring in law firms, and I’ve never thought about the things you’re talking about. This is been a great perspective and tutorial on how companies hire GCs.”
- Former AmLaw 100 equity partner
Read More“I did everything you told me to do, said everything you told me to say. It was almost like you gave a word-for-word script. And [former federal agency Commissioner] responded exactly the way you predicted. I wish could have recorded it for you! I’m so pleased at how the conversation went and laid the groundwork for my job search.”
- Law firm partner exploring GC roles
Read More“It’s funny to watch your thought process. I’m realizing that I just sucked the life out of my résumé. The more we talk, the more I see the limitations in my own thought in how to market and present my work and I’m impressed with how succinct the new résumé is. This has been immensely valuable.”
- Senior dealmaker and generalist at tech company
Read More“The profile is pretty much all there, exactly how I wanted it. The format made it really easy to edit and upload into LinkedIn.”
- Senior Fortune 500 in-house counsel
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