“When I thought about working on my résumé on my own, I almost cried. I mean, literally, I almost cried. I could have never done this alone.”
- Executive-track in-house counsel
Read More“When I thought about working on my résumé on my own, I almost cried. I mean, literally, I almost cried. I could have never done this alone.”
- Executive-track in-house counsel
Read More“I am happy to report that I started a new job at precisely the type of firm I was hoping to join. I started in March. Of course it is a little strange to begin a new job in the current [Covid-19] environment, but I am enthusiastic and excited about it nonetheless. Thanks for the help from you and your team!”
- Junior litigator
Read More“Great thanks Shauna! I appreciate your work on this. I already submitted this résumé for that [targeted Fortune 200 subsidiary GC] job and [within hours] heard back from the recruiter saying it will be reviewed with the hiring manager, so thanks for the quick turnaround. Have a great weekend.”
- Senior tech lawyer applying for first GC role
Read More“Thank you, Shauna! This is absolutely a 100% transformation and I am so impressed. Thank you so much for your patience, insights, guidance and terrific writing. I really like the tone you’re using and the structure. I’ve already showed the draft to several people and they were like ‘wow, this is so much more comprehensive’ and it establishes my early career foundation. I don’t think you even understand how impactful this work has been for me. I’ve really been forced to think about my work differently.”
- Fortune 500 Chief Compliance Officer candidate
Read More“I love words; I’ve always loved words. And I love your focus on every single word in the résumé to make sure it has meaning. I also love how hard you’ve challenged my memory to be really specific about everything I’ve done in my career.”
- DGC and regional GC of global consulting firm
Read More“My friend at Google told me about a panel you were going to be on, and I signed up right away. You were by far the most helpful of anyone the panel. It was extremely, extremely helpful—and so has this session. I signed up to talk to you the day after the panel. And you’ve given me really thoughtful feedback.”
- Executive-track lawyer preparing for GC roles
Read More“Thank you, Shauna! You are a miracle-worker. I’ve already used the draft version of the résumé this week and snagged an interview for an AGC role in Washington, DC. I had seen the posting for about a week, but I emailed the GC directly. We had a call the same day and he asked me to submit my materials, and I got a formal interview with 24 hours. I feel so much more comfortable with this format than the one the previous résumé writer I hired did. Much more comfortable and confident that it’s representative of what I’ve done without overselling or underselling. I cannot wait to use final résumé!”
- White collar criminal defense attorney
Read More“In just three weeks after you did my résumé and LInkedIn profile, I applied for a job through LinkedIn to work at one of Dubai's most important financial companies. I’m now in the second round of interviews.”
- Senior in-house corporate lawyer
Read More“I realize that I just over-complicate things when I’m writing my résumé. This is blowing my mind. I’m finally really excited about my résumé. It’s like magic how it’s turned into something attractive and readable rather than a monotonous list of bullet points.”
- Senior associate in BigLaw
Read More“Shauna, you’re really good. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just had to say that!”
- DGC in publicly traded company
Read More“'I really like your writing style. You say a lot in very few words. I cannot thank you enough. This has amazing.”
- DGC at global consulting company
Read More“Now that I’m doing this [coaching and résumé writing], I’m moving away from bitterness. I want to stay with the firm and build a career trajectory and I’m glad to see that I’m not pigeon-holed into litigation because now I can see how that would help in a company. This [résumé] looks more like I’ve built some knowledge in a specific area over the last five years. I don’t want to throw away everything!”
- BigLaw associate exploring in-house options
Read More“I’m very excited. All the documents [résumé, bio, and LinkedIn profile optimization] are amazing actually. I absolutely love them.”
- Returning client updating career portfolio to reflect first GC role
Read More“I love where the résumé’s going. I had thought I was doing a really good job with my résumé, but this has been really eye-opening about how you phrase things, being concise, getting to the point, and using terms that are easy to understand. There is clearly an art to this and you are really good at it. This whole thing has been such a huge confidence boost. I have been telling everyone they should do this.”
- In-house commercial contracts attorney
Read More"I sent the beta draft of the résumé to a headhunter and she was so impressed with the difference compared to the earlier version. Even though it’s not the finished product, the recruiter wants to send the résumé over to a pharmaceutical company for a DPO [data privacy officer] role right away. In the past, recruiters have tried to steer me to low-end jobs, like temp placement and e-discovery.”
- Privacy counsel with non-traditional job titles and career path
Read More“This has been wonderful. My wife, who’s a lawyer, has been asking about this process. I think she’s going to be your next client!”
- General counsel of national company
Read More“Hello Shauna, I’m writing to let you know that I received an offer Friday to join a growing company as their first in-house attorney. I will be working to bring their outside counsel work in-house and provide support for the organization’s acquisition strategy. THANK YOU so much for the coaching and helping me get my résumé together. I was able to update my LinkedIn profile based on the edits from the résumé, and that is how the CEO of the company found me. Thanks again!”
- General counsel-track lawyer
Read More“This has been the perfect time to start this process. It’s helped me clarify what my long-term goals should be, and I didn’t realize there was such a big gulf between what I was trying to convey to employers and what my résumé was actually conveying. When I look at my original compared to the work we’ve been doing, I mean it looks like they’re two different people. No wonder recruiters were having a hard time understanding what I do.”
- Senior tech transactions attorney exploring in-house and law firm options
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