“Everything you’ve told me has been so helpful, so much better than my gut reactions and yet well within my comfort zone. I hope you don’t think it’s silly, but I could talk to you for hours.”
- Law firm partner exploring GC roles
Read More“Everything you’ve told me has been so helpful, so much better than my gut reactions and yet well within my comfort zone. I hope you don’t think it’s silly, but I could talk to you for hours.”
- Law firm partner exploring GC roles
Read More“Julie, I made changes to the résumé based on our session. I got a lot more responses than I did with my previous résumé. Before I got hardly any looks and constantly got rejections, but now people are looking at it 2 and 3 times. I got an interview and an offer with a law firm. Thank you so much for the work that you previously did on it, it really helped! It is definitely a huge step in the right direction.”
- Recently licensed attorney transitioning into first career position
Read More“Hi Jared, I recently joined an IoT imaging company and want to introduce you to our CEO. I told him about your LinkedIn prowess and he's interested in working with you on his LinkedIn for Business presence.”
- General Counsel & Chief Strategy Officer
Read More“The résumé is now streamlined and straightforward. It’s no longer salesy like the other résumé writer made it. This is exactly what I wanted. It speaks much better to a lawyer audience. Thanks a million for your guidance, Shauna!”
- White collar litigator in BigLaw
Read More“When we were doing the original résumé, my dad was like, 'Why are we paying to have someone do your résumé?' And then he saw it, and was like, 'Oh. That's why.' I've had more than 20 people tell me this is the best-written résumé they've ever seen. Thank you, Shauna!”
- Tech transactions lawyer getting résumé update
Read More“Thank you so much for your time, suggestions, and advice, Julie! This résumé screen share session was definitely very helpful.”
- Contract attorney transitioning to junior associate role
Read More“Thank you so much, Shauna for working on the leadership bio. I think it looks great… Many thanks for all of your help, kindness and patience!”
- Former GC / Chief of Staff considering return to in-house roles
Read More“Thank you for all your help, Shauna. I could have never gotten this far without you. I could have never done this on my own.”
– GC-track Fortune 250 counsel
Read More“Because of Shauna’s help I was able to land an interview which eventually led to an offer at a tech company.”
- Assistant General Counsel
Read More“This has been an interesting exercise because you make people listen differently. More sensitively to the nuances of language.“
- Global investment bank executive
Read More“I need to thank you. I would not in a million years think this strategically about my LinkedIn profile. I was just going through the motions. I didn’t understand it as real tool to market my brand. Now I can wield LinkedIn like a lethal weapon. I worked on it all weekend, analyzing every little piece of information you gave me. This has opened up a different ball game for me. You have really opened up my mind. I was in awe.”
- Board adviser and senior corporate generalist returning to Fortune 100 roles
Read More“Other than you and my sisters, I haven’t told anyone these things. I don’t think it’s safe to talk to some of my friends even about these things. There’s no one I would trust to talk about it with.”
- Senior IP lawyer
Read More“I like the approach and the look of the résumé and how it really highlights my accomplishments instead of tasks. It’s made if me really re-think my career from task after the next.”
- Fortune 100 in-house commercial transactions attorney
Read More“Thank you again for spending so many hours to make me feel comfortable for a simple [but critical networking] phone call. I know you probably think it’s ridiculous — after all, I have been speaking with people for many years — but I felt so much more confident going into this discussion than I would have without your expertise. So, thank you very much!”
- NLJ 500 law firm partner and former GC
Read More“What you wrote just jumps off the page. It’s completely different and it’s amazing.”
- Hedge fund GC
Read More“I am extremely excited to have another interview coming up for my dream job (they reached out to me again after 8 months of an initial ;no’ :) I followed your advice and stayed in touch with the company, even after they rejected me the first time. I feel so lucky to have a second chance! They are skipping me ahead in the process this time. I’m meeting directly with the decision-maker.”
- Senior compliance lawyer
Read More“Hi Shauna, Just heads up that I had THE call with GC, it went amazing! Instant rapport and it felt genuinely warm. She said she will forward my résumé this morning to head of HR Legal and that she thought I should be in again. :) As for me, I felt great.... Thanks so so much for your help! Priceless :)”
- Senior corporate generalist returning to Fortune 10 Regional GC roles
Read More“It would have taken me 8 hours to do the work you did in 90 minutes, and mine wouldn't have been half as good.”
- DGC / regional GC
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