I ended up with multiple offers and landed at [law firm] in [major market]

“Dear Shauna, I hope this note finds you well! You helped me rewrite my résumé last summer a when I was searching for a job back in the U.S. / looking to transition home from [abroad]. You gave me clarity and confidence — not to mention the actual résumé and LinkedIn revamps. I ended up with multiple offers and landed at [law firm] in [major market], and I am absolutely loving it here.”

– AmLaw 100 associate

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my [DDI] results were off the charts and one of the highest scores they've had

“I cannot thank you enough, Shauna. I know that the preparation you gave me was the difference. DDI [all day leadership development assessment] was as draining as taking the bar. Preparation was an absolute. I would not have been able to do it without the talking points and questions we prepared. We even anticipated the part that was supposed to be a surprise. I was told my results were off the charts and one of the highest scores they've had. You are officially a DDI expert!”

– Litigation counsel at one of the world's leading financial institutions

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when they asked for my résumé, they were blown away

“When Jared began flipping my résumé late last year, suggested I be patient and that something would come to me.

He was absolutely right and I began this week with [Company Name] in an executive level attorney role. I was recruited to join their team and when they asked for my résumé, they were blown away.

I’ll never forget how sure Jared was about my future. It was the vote of confidence I never knew I needed. Thank you so much as well for the impressive résumé.

Jared is truly a gift and I appreciate him!”

– AGC for a North Americans financial services company

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they were so impressed that they cancelled the last rounds of interviews and just gave me an offer

“Shauna, ​I applied online to Microsoft--my dream employer--and they reached out to me. I followed all your recommendations during the preliminary interviews and now I'm in the final rounds! I also got a job offer last December. They were so impressed that they cancelled the last rounds of interviews and just gave me an offer.”

– Foreign-trained commercial transactions attorney

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former GC of [Fortune 75 subsidiary]...complimented me on my LinkedIn profile

“Shauna, I’m writing because I recently referred my friend [name]—former GC of [Fortune 75 subsidiary]—to you after she complimented me on my LinkedIn profile. We both know that profile was a sad slip of a thing before you worked your magic, so [she] is very interested in working with you... And you can bet I’ll be hitting you up in a few months for a refresher. ;) Sending loads of good cheer.”

– GC

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I never would have come up with this content on my own

“Julie, this résumé is wonderful. I never would have come up with this content on my own. My last iteration was a totally different world. Now it is more a professional résumé than a student résumé. I really like where we are going with this.”

– Midlevel attorney updating résumé from student form

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I've received a lot of positive feedback...you're brilliant!

“My LinkedIn profile looks 10x better, and I've received a lot of positive feedback. You've done tremendous work for me. You're very skilled and talented at what you do. I don't know how you do it Shauna; you're brilliant!”

– Deputy GC at public tech company

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they said I was a perfect match

“Shauna, you worked miracles for me. You are in high demand--and rightfully so! You are THE expert. Your questions were so helpful. They helped me realize that I've made significant achievements throughout my career… [Company] found me via an internal recruiter using LinkedIn. They said I was a perfect match.”

– GC of US subsidiary of Fortune 25 multinational

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