the JDA gave me a better way to participate in broader conversations

“Jared's Job Description Analysis (JDA) was really interesting in terms of learning what other GC roles are like. There were the obvious skills that every GC should have as a lawyer. But companies want more than that. The JDA gave me a better way to participate in broader conversations.”

– SVP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary for a government contractor

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Who knew there were so many things you could do with branding your career?

“I'm fascinated by how you work, Jared. Who knew there were so many things you could do with branding your career? I never would have thought about identifying my own deal-breakers when it comes to a new company. I need to have a seat at the strategy table, and if they don't need that in a candidate, then they need a different person.”

– General counsel for private company in the security sector

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you have been a breath of fresh air!

“Hi Shauna, Happy new year! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. I’m looking forward to our session and so appreciate you making time for me on your Saturday morning...Thank you as always for all the 'tough love' and insightful perspective on how to curate my résumé and development. You have been a breath of fresh air!”

– Fortune 50 senior tech transactions counsel

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this has given me a whole new appreciation for the value I bring to the business

“My god, this is so intelligent, Jared. Just, wow. I knew my résumé was too long and needed work, but this has given me a whole new appreciation for the value I bring to the business. Something I didn't expect when I signed up.”

– Former law firm partner and AGC / director of a private research university

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