“I really enjoy working with you.”
- Law firm partner and former state government agency GC
Read More“I really enjoy working with you.”
- Law firm partner and former state government agency GC
Read More“I appreciate talking to someone who knows what they’re doing.”
- Vice-Admiral (ret), U.S. Navy
Read More“I really feel positive. Not only am I more motivated, but our sessions really helped me as a mentor in [national nonprofit] helping to motivate and educate women lawyers on branding, presentation, and job search. I’d love to have you come to one of our conferences.”
- Lead IP counsel
Read More“I hope all is well. I have good news to report. Today is my last day in my current position with the City’s legal department. On [date], I will begin my new role as Senior Counsel, Employment for [Fortune 500 company]. Thanks for following up with me, and please share the good news with Shauna!”
- L&E lawyer transitioning from government to the private sector
“I was so excited to hear about you! There are all these places that do career counseling, but they just don’t do the résumé writing and they don’t have legal expertise. I’m so glad I called you! I was anxious before the appointment, but this is a level of wordsmithing at light speed I’ve never seen. And the way this résumé is written is just so much better.“
- Former Air Force Captain shifting to in-house roles
Read More“I’ve got to tell you, I like the career portfolio [CV, CV addendum, and cover letter] a lot. I’m pleased with all of it. I like the structure. I like the way you broke the information up and used bullets, and I like your wording. The CV has impact from the first page. And I can see you really did your homework. I don’t know how you did it, but you worked it! Every word has value. Trying to do it myself was a fool’s errand.
The cover letter is also a really, really helpful tool that I will be able to build on for future applications. It sets out a structure and lets me know how and where to add information for different job applications.
And I already got great feedback from the retained recruiter. You did everything I needed and I’m in a really good place.”
- One of the nation’s highest-ranking military lawyers
Read More“I was at a leadership for lawyers conference and the conference organizer specifically gave you a shout-out. Then two lawyers who had used you also stood up and said how kick ass your services are.“
- Former Business Unit GC for Fortune 10
Read More“Intuitively, I’ve known I’m spending my energy in the wrong place in my job search and blaming myself for some of the things that have happened in my last job. Thank you for your new prospective. I’ve taken a lot of notes as we talked. I just never would have thought of this. This is great advice. It’s definitely actionable and achievable. And I think it’ll will really help with my healing too. This is a step that will help me remind myself of all the good things I’ve done.”
- Healthcare CLO
Read More“My LinkedIn profile is working so well that people don't even ask me for my résumé. I’m meeting with recruiters who understand exactly what I do. I’m getting a lot of traction… so we’re doing well. I’m getting meetings with people who value me and I’ve gotten in to talk to some high-level people.”
- GC / COO in financial services
Read More“This has been a great help. You obviously have a lot more experience at this than I do.”
- Junior litigator changing cities
Read More“Those are great questions and you make good points. This has been very helpful to help me think about setting myself up for advancement within [Fortune 10 company] as well as exploring outside opportunities.”
- Former AmLaw 100 partner continuing in-house trajectory
Read More“Thank you for everything, Shauna. I appreciate both your end-product and your process.”
- Compliance officer
Read More“The résumé has helped a lot and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
- Healthcare attorney
Read More“I want to thank you again for an amazing session, I have learnt a lot from it.”
- Foreign-trained lawyer and LLM grad entering U.S. market
Read More“I received a two-level promotion using the résumé.”
- Senior Fortune 100 lawyer who had been undervalued and underemployed
Read More“I appreciate hearing your way of thinking. I’m just so antiquated. I feel like I’ve been auditioning for a movie role using a VHS tape. This has been a major reveal. This is just such a weight of my shoulders.”
- General counsel
Read More“Good Morning, Shauna. Thank you for these draft documents. I think they are excellent.”
- Global head of anti-counterfeiting at S&P 500 component
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