“Thank you, Shauna! I enjoyed meeting you and thought it was a very productive and helpful session.”
– Fortune 750 GC
Read More“Thank you, Shauna! I enjoyed meeting you and thought it was a very productive and helpful session.”
– Fortune 750 GC
Read More“I'm very comfortable that the résumé grabs attention, gets to the point, and is accurate. Shauna, you are far more attuned to what plays and what does not play in the marketplace.”
– Fortune 10 AGC
Read More“I received positive feedback from the interview panel members that they were impressed and that I interviewed very well....Shauna, thank you again for assisting me in restructuring my résumé. I still strongly believe that it directly contributed to landing the interviews, which is where I believe I shine the brightest.”
– In-house litigator
Read More“The résumé strategy session was super helpful, Jared. A totally different way to look at it. Very, very helpful as I'm thinking about moving in-house.”
– Law firm litigation partner considering an in-house move
Read More“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for providing substantial improvements to my résumé. I would have never come up with these changes on my own.”
– Entry level attorney transitioning into associate position
Read More“This résumé looks awesome, Julie! I knew I needed help, but I didn't know how much I needed help. This looks so much better than what I started with, and I feel really great about it.”
– Mid-level associate transitioning in-house
Read More“You're very good at this, Shauna! Everything's so clear and categorized properly. This is exactly what I wanted out of this session.”
– Executive-track Fortune 100 corporate generalist
Read More“I loved the LinkedIn Profile Optimization! The explanations are really helpful and easy. I sent the LinkedIn profile to my husband along with the résumé and he said they were worth every penny. Thank you for everything. The entire process has been really great.”
- Senior corporate counsel in FTSE 100
Read More“I've been channeling my inner Shauna—staying calm, focusing on the positive, and moving forward.”
– AmLaw 50 equity partner
Read More“The recruiter asked me about salary expectations. I gave her the answers you coached me to say and she said, 'Oh, you're well trained! That's the right answer.'”
– Law firm partner returning to GC roles
Read More“Thank you so much, Julie! I have gotten so much out of our session and I really like the look of this document. You have really helped me out and I look forward to working with you again.”
– Junior in-house counsel transitioning to more senior corporate role
Read More“I see why it's so important to have metrics in the résumé. The formatting is very clean and I like the flow. Thank you, Shauna!”
– Global General Counsel of $3.5 billion market leader
Read More“The résumé and cover letter are excellent, Shauna. It's like you clear out all the noise, making everything concise and impactful. I used the résumé last week and already have a job interview scheduled! I have been referring everyone to you.”
– Fortune 500 commercial contract lawyer
Read More“I really like the LinkedIn summary you wrote, Shauna. I thought you struck a very good balance when including information about more sensitive matters. Everything you do is great.”
– Former AmLaw 100 equity partner and national practice group chair
Read More“Shauna, your questions have been invaluable and all of your comments about my original résumé are spot-on. I think you caught me a little flat-footed in our first conversation, which is fine :) So I got my feet knocked out from under me. Frankly, I'm embarrassed about the old résumé and I realize how little prepared I was to be interviewed on it. But I would rather flounder with you than do it in a job interview. I'm much more confident now.”
– General counsel of $450 million regional company
Read More“Shauna, I exchanged emails with you several years ago, but eventually went with someone else. I should have gone with you then. I like that you make me actually think about what I do, instead of me just answering on auto-pilot, and that you really challenge me to remember details. I'm much happier with this new résumé. The old one was a result of a lot of bad advice.”
- Fortune 10 senior commercial contracts attorney
Read More“Hi Julie, Thank you so much for your time speaking with me this afternoon, your notes and the advice! I really appreciate all of them. I really enjoyed our conversations and have learned a lot. I know what I can do now and the job opportunities I should be looking for. I hope I can continue to work with you and will sign up for more hours. Please stay in touch and stay safe.”
– Junior tax attorney seeking to transition into a litigation role
Read More“I will review all of this helpful information. I appreciate your time and patience at my résumé session, Julie!”
- Contract attorney transitioning into junior associate role
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